I just received an email this morning from Bob's Red Mill. They will discontinue their on-line shop this month and only seel through retail outlets. This is too bad as some of their products are not carried by any stores in my area. To cite one which pains me, you cannot get their dark rye flour in stores and I've relied on Internet store for this.
I would be interested in what rye flours others in the US use in their bread baking. Rye is a staple of both my sourdough and sandwich breads.
Janie’s Mill and Baker’s Authority. I’m sure King Arthur ryes are also good, but the prices are a little high.
I have both suppliers bookmarked now./
They only sell through Amazon to the best of my knowledge. Since Hodgson Mills went belly up for selling rye flour, this is where I now get mine.
Sells rye also https://fairhavenmill.com/collections/premium-organic-flours/products/100-whole-grain-bono-rye-flour-dark
I have used whole rye flour from Breadtopia and Country Life Natural Foods. But I'm in the Midwest, so these options have lower shipping costs for me. I have also used King Arthur's Organic Medium Rye Flour and I can buy it for less than KA's list price at a local mega-grocer (it's not Walmart).
I have on good authority (a relative) that the flours from Castle Valley Mill are excellent and shipping is free on $40 orders.
Did your email from BRM indicate whether selling through Amazon would also be discontinued? I have purchased a few BRM products using that online portal.
Meijer stores carry a selection of Red Mill products. In the Traverse City area we are blessed to have a great selection of such flours available in our coop grocery.
I bought 20lbs of rye seed on eBay and grind my own with a Messerschmitt grain mill for my KitchenAid mixer. I vacuum pack what seeds I don't use right away. I am also lucky enough that my local grocery store carries rye flour. Ask your local grocer if they will carry it; you might be surprised at the answer.
Thanks to those who publicly or privately gave me a number of good sources for rye flour.
The Bob's Red Mill website (Bob's Red Mill Natural Foods (bobsredmill.com)) no longer offers an option to shop online (as of Aug. 26, 2022) at their site. However, they offer what appears to be a full line of their products on Amazon.
The US FOODS Chef’s Store , formerly known as Cash & Carry caries Bob’s & Grain Crafters in bulk at a very good price. Very nice flour. Both brands.
I use either of these Kitchenaid attachments to grind my rye flour from the grain I buy online. I will also use them for Whole wheat and sprouted (malted) grains. The Messerschmitt is good for grinding poppy seeds that I use for making holiday treats and flax seeds that my wife likes to top her yogurt concoctions.