Spelt- hulled or dehulled for home milling

Profile picture for user Sam_CO

First post, here goes.

Was curious as to which one to buy. I know the hull on spelt is much harder than on wheat, so was wondering if I have to use dehulled spelt in a stone mill (Komo Mio)?

Is there a difference in texture if both are ok? Is there a noticeable difference in the bran between the two types?

Welcome to TFL !

And welcome to the world of home-milling.

You definitely want to purchase your spelt, as well as wheat, with the hull (aka husk) already removed.

Here is what spelt should look like before milling:


(Tap the thumbnail photo of the scoop of berries.)


Here is a side-by side photo. Spelt that is ready for milling is on the left. Spelt that is still in the hull/husk is on the right.


(And it looks like one grain still in the husk snuck into the left side.)


If you care to update your profile with your location, someone may be able to recommend a good grain supplier near you.