Hi!!! This is my first entry here... Though I've been following the fresh loaf for a while. First of all... I'm from Brazil, so you have to forgive my english :) Last night after read David's Ficelles article, and with a poolish fully developed I was in a mood for baking. So I tried to make some bâtards with high hydratation (about 77%) Here are some photos of the adventure!!! Hope you like!!!
Hi, Leandro.
Your scoring results were remarkable for a high-hydration dough. Nice work!
I am having difficulty finding anything in your English requiring forgiveness though. :-)
I'm glad you like it David!!!!
hope to see more of those beautiful breads of yours!!
Those are beautiful. As David noted your english needs no fogiving! Welcome and share more with us!
I'm glad you like it!!!!
Great blog!!!! Very nice material.
Great job; crust, crumb and scoring.
Thanks for the comment Howard.