Can anyone help me please?
I use weak UK frown flours. For free form baking. With a white flour I get a pretty open crumb with 65% water using autolysis and a sour dough starter. Above 65% hydration the dough won't hold its shape.
I have recently started adding 2% fava bean flour. This seems to have increased the elasticity of the dough and now I can use 70% hydration and the result is a more open crumb and a higher volume and the dough is able to hold its shape.
I am aware that there is an element of dough oxidation supposedly taking place.
Can anyone share any insights as to what is going on here please?
hat experiences have others here had please?
Bean flours are a rich source of lipoxygenase enzymes which act on fats (lipids) and in doing so they release hydrogen peroxide into the environment, a commonly occurring product in the biological world. This free peroxide will then go on to oxidise other compounds that are susceptible to oxidation. In this case the intention is to oxidise thiol groups and create disulphide bonds which results in a stronger gluten network.
The downside is that since Hydrogen peroxide is a general oxidiser and it can have a bleaching effect also unlike for example ascorbic acid which only acts on thiol groups.
Thanks for coming back and with such a clear answer too.
I had been reading some of your posts on Ascorbic acid along the way of my searching for an answer. They were helpful posts as well.
I'm dropping Faba flour in my current bake. Despite the advantage that it helps the dough sustain a higher hydration whilst holding its shape better I think it might be giving me a tighter crumb with this new flour I am trying. And, I have the ghost of the great Calvel muttering in my ear about oxidation diminishing flavour
No free rides.
I would also take this opportunity to thank you for the many other posts of yours I have read over the years here. Yours is one of a number of voices I look out for here.