Inspirational quote of the day

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

"Learning these shapes is a fundamental skill; doing them well is a lifelong pursuit, like that of the artist forever sketching the perfect circle."

Martin Philip

Foundational shapes:

 The boule

 The baguette

 The bâ tard


Photo strictly for attention.




my good friend's girlfriend's father was a painter.  When Mike asked him about how to get better at writing he had this to say - paraphrase "there are few Picassos and Mozarts in the world". Everyone else must work constantly at their craft to improve it".  Mike began writing that day and has never stopped.  He has a daily diary book for pretty much each year since. 

The Russian proverb from Hamelman’s book

“Better bread with water than cake with trouble” 🇺🇦