What I've been doing


Been falling behind on my posting.  During this long run to the solstice, even typing "Nice bread" is too much (and to so many, I say "Nice Bread!")

Here's where my energy has gone:

What I've been doing

The sparkly boxes without ribbons are caramels - over 2000 pieces hand cut and wrapped, the bags are home-made marshmallows, the boxes with ribbons are home grown and house made jams, jellies, pickles, and mustards, the tall shapes are herbed vinegars, and the stack of containers to the rear are full of a special family recipe cookie.  Of course there is the remains of last week's milling and baking.

The special cookies are known in our family only as "Grandma's Brown Cookies" and are one of those things that exist within a family context.  They are a strongly spiced molassas cookie and not to evryone's taste (you need to have been raised on them) they also require special small cookie cutters (passed down in the family) and have some measurements that require knowing which glass to use.  I like to think about that kind of thing in terms of our baking and cooking traditions.

So once I get this all shipped to the proper receipients, I can take a deep breath an lose myself in ABand P.....

Happy Baking!

and I will forward my address under seperate cover.

Congrats and they all are beautiful!!


Beautiful work...these are the very nicest gifts!


my, my, my, proth5 you have been extraordinarily busy.  My hats off to you; and, Congratulations on all of your efforts.  Stunning, to say the least! 

Merry & Happy 2U!

for the kind words.  Every year I say that next year I will cut back and every year, well, you know...

Still have some more to go.  Trying my hand at various flavors of marshmallows.  My orange marshmallows have a big following and I'm trying to branch out...

Because I need more stuff to do :>)