Simple rye formula ❤

Profile picture for user Martadella


I was looking through my archives and thought this simple formula was worth saving and sharing 


1/1/1 (by weight) starter/water/flour

Mix in a transparent container, let ferment in a lukewarm place until bubbly, move to cooler place,  let ferment until the top starts falling and the smell is acidic

Average ferment time 12-16 hours 


1/1/1 (by weight) preferment/water/flour

Salt, as needed

Mix, bulk ferment in warm place until nicely expanded and gets crackly on surface, on average 1-2 hour


Place in pan, cover, proof until cracked bubbles start showing on surface, about 45-60 minutes 


Dock, if desired. Brush with water or thinned dough

Bake in preheated oven in descending temperature 475/425/375°F

Exact baking time will depend on the size of your loaf, on average 45-60 minutes


Thanks! 100% hydration rye dough, especially whole grain, doesn't feel like batter. Although,  it's extremely sticky and you I don't form it at all. I just spoon it, or grab it by the handful to put it in baking form.  Then I press it down with wet hand or wet spatula in order to squeeze out any air pockets. It's a very forgiving dough, but relatively easy to overproof. One can always use more flour in final stage, to make it slightly stiffer 🙂

Profile picture for user trailrunner

Very easy . How sour is it? Would be delicious with cheese ! 

Medium sour, I would say. The processes go really fast after the preferment, so it doesn't get overly acidic. Excellent with cheese, indeed