Ever wonder about the upper limit of the Bosch Universal?

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Seven pizza ball batch ea, @ 550g. That translates to, 3,853g of dough. For the Americans slow to assimilate, 136 oz. 


That's pretty impressive. I recently had a near fatal Kitchen Aid (Pro 6.0) kneading experience with a 2.5 kg batch of croissant dough. Have gotten away with 3 kg of super wet ciabatta dough. By the way, those are huge pizza balls, mine tend to run to 300g +/-.

Happy pizza!


before I even knew what I was doing! 

550g pizza ball equals an 18" New York-style pie. The minimum size for a proper N.Y. street slice in my humble opinion. I really wish I could fit a 20" pie into my GE home oven. 

Did you fabricate a gigantic pizza stone? Don't think I've seen one larger than 17". Couldn't even pull that off in my new 24x16 ovens. Convection fans ate some of the rear real estate. My pizzas tend to 12-14" so not really an issue for me. I used to use a mosaic of 12" square saltillo pavers as my hearth but my sweetheart put the kibosh on it as much cornmeal and other grit leaked through the joints.

I Use a 16" round pizza steel. I could just fit an 18" X 18" pizza steel. However, that is custom steel. I will stick with the combo of, an 18" screen on the 16" steel. Works for me!

My model name is, "The Bosch Universal Plus." I don't know the model #. AT the time of purchase it was the newest model. Nowadays I think there are fancy models that come in colors. Wow! I am using more than double 1kilo of flour in this freezer batch. I am thinking you have something on par with the size of the Artsey. Who knows?

 I do know/think you will like this pizza calculator. Enjoy! It is open-source, free! 

Pizza dough calculator

Strange, I never saw that model. It's some type of MUM6. Much higher capacity than mine. Very different from the "arm" types (Kitchen Aid, Kenwood etc.). Looks very interesting, seems it can also do small loads well and is pretty compact in size. Tempting ;-) (It's like 4-5 times price of my Bosch though)
