200 flour (bread flour 13-14% protein)
90 water (tap)
60 flas (flourless lactic acid starter)
1.6 instant dry yeast
4 salt
30 semolina (medium grind, soaked in the fridge for over 24 hours and strained just before use)
0000 Mix all ingredients together using stand mixer for 4-6 min (start of bulk - Brod&Taylor setting 28C|82F)
0030 Laminate
0100 Roll&Fold (no excessive streching required) in basin where dough rests
0130 Shape and place in 1Lt Pan (start of proof - Brod&Taylor setting 35C|95F no humidity disk as in bulk)
0230 Bake (3 min at 250C|482F for oven-spring, then covered at 200C|392F for 57 min)
So I can make some FLAS. Your bread looks great.
I have determined that my oven set for 49C keeps a quart jar of water at average temperature of 45.5C varying from 45.8 to 44.9.
I won't even need to use my controller and proofer!
My rye is coming by USPS so it may be a while...
Thank you.
If you can keep constantly the temperature up at this high level you mention, your mash might sour and be ready even after only 24 hours. You' ll have to experiment and see.
Do not forget to crack the malt berries though and store them in a dry non-humid place (not in the fridge). Good luck.
So it is called flas now? I have just ordered 5 lb of rye malt from Nothern Brewer, can't wait to try this thing out.
Yes, it is called 'flas' now (since this term describes more accurately what it is) thanks to 'mariana's intervention.
I only ordered a pound... $1.79 + $8 shipping.
Haha, it was $7.99 for UPS shipping for me. I figure if this thing does not work out for some reason, I will learn how to make beer with it :). If not for anything else, just by gaining some additional aromas and flavors in my bread is already worth pursuing for me. Thanks.
You can also use some of the rye malt in some rye scalds. But it's usually only grams at a time, so you could have a lifetime supply!
Great. Thanks for the suggestion.
I'll start fermenting tonight. That should make it ready to use on Wednesday morning. Assuming that goes well I have a loaf to try by Wednesday afternoon.
Lucky dog :). My malt was shipped this morning so I am hopefully to have something to bake with by the weekend. I could only stare at an empty fermentation container in the meantime.
How is flas different from any other lactic acid adjunct?
Are you saying that one could just add the proper amount of lactic acid to achieve the same effect?
Can you pinpoint/name some of the other lactic acid adjuncts you mention?
Not sure if LAB is the only magic here, it sounds to me like there are sugars and other substances from the malt extraction process that the yeast really like in the solution, which I think we are after here.
I have added pure lactic acid to bread. It produces a sour flavor but none of the other effects she is seeing with flas.
Great to know, thanks Gary for the feedback. I think the magic we are all after here is to find ways make the yeast go crazy during fermentation and baking, and this FLAS solution might be one way to get us there.