Great Price on Pullman Pans w/Covers

Profile picture for user DanAyo

Just noticed the set of 2) 4x4x13 covered large USA Pullman pans are back. I picked up a pair a good while back, but after noticed they were no longer available. They are back.

Thanks for the pickup Dan.  They've been there awhile and I balked, but maybe I should bite.  I just didn't know if I could use them very much.  Do you happen to know how many Kilos they tend to hold?

Did you also notice the smaller 9" ones are $35.  Been trying to figure that one out for awhile.

TDW for a given dough varies quite a bite. For example, TX Farmer’s lofty sandwich bread takes only 850 TDW to fill a large USA Pullman. Whereas HAmelman’s Five-Grain Levain takes 1200g.

See THIS LINK for images of an 850g TX Farmer Sandwich Loaf. And THIS LINK for a 1200g Five-Grain Levain. NOTE - it may be worth browsing the last link for additional info pretaining to pan loaves.

Gary, I just ordered a small USA Pullman pan without the cover. I think the large cover will fit the small pan with the exception of the length. If you have the time can you confirm this?