50% whole grain baguette

Profile picture for user Ming

I made a batch of pizza dough balls last night for next week's and it just occurred to me to steal one to make a baguette this morning, which is exactly what I did. It had 20% WW, 30% whole grain Kamut, and the rest was with bread flour. My pizza and baguette doughs share the same recipe except the pizza dough had a lower hydration and less developed, all made with a 95% biga and a 5% SD starter. I was very pleased with the expansion in the oven, which had twice the height and roundness of a 50% rye loaf I baked yesterday. Obviously, this baguette does not have alligator's ears and doc's bee nest crumb but I am very happy with it, felt much better than yesterday after uncovering the baking pan and seeing the expansion of the loaf. Cheers!


I like the look of the crust and crumb. The flour combination should give it a nice flavour. I found that when I add a small amount of sourdough to my 100% whole-wheat sandwich loaf. it enhanced the flavour. 

Nice work.



Thanks Gavin for your nice comment. It did indeed have a unique favor. The whole grain Kamut does not taste like a whole wheat to me but it has a natural sweetness to it, in fact, it is too sweet for me if a larger percentage (I have used 60% of it in one loaf) of it is used. Previously, I used a 10-15% SD levain as a main leavening agent and it masked the favor of Kamut completely. I find that with a 5% SD levain a little bit of sweetness of the Kamut is still coming through which is exactly what I like it to be. As for the favor of sourdough, I really have to "hunt" for it to taste it. My preferred baguette favor profile is still evolving so I am still on the hunt for to perfect it. This particular baguette used a pizza dough which had a slightly different flour percentages than my regular baguette dough. By the way, the aroma of the bread using a biga preferment is just incredible not just during baking but in the baked bread as well. Cheers!

Very nice baguette Ming.  The crumb is nicely open and the crust colour looks great.  I like Kamut and find that the flavour is almost buttery.
