bowls to rise bread


I hve and use an old set of E.H. mixing bowls

alnd beginning to wonder if they are too tall to put the bread in to tise

should i use something else - shallow metal pan - or pyrex bowl



Thank you - rdeal

Never used anything but a bowl - mixing rising - everything but proofing. About 10" across and 7 deep. You'll get used to reading it after a few. Enjoy!

Do you mean something like a salad bowl, with sloping sides?  I mostly accordion fold anymore, but for lower hydration doughs (like Hamelman), I use a salad bowl because I find it easier to more gently handle the dough.  I think Trevor K. Wilson does this, IIRC, and I liked it.

If you have some old cloth diapers, a smooth tea towel, or even an old cloth napkin, you can use them to line a colander for the proofing or second rise.


If I am making 1/2 of a loaf (about 2 pounds) that totally fits in a 9/5 baking pan, can I second proof in the same pan I will be baking in?