Benny's 50% WW Hokkaido

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

Ok, so it took me WAY too long to make this after salivating over all of Benny's iterations of his lovely Hokkaido loaves, but I finally did it.  Thanks to Benny's very detailed and clear instructions, my first Hokkaido loaf was a success (though I need to get some of his super yeast so I can replicate the explosive rise he gets!)

I just finished my first two slices of this loaf, and it is delicious! A nice, soft crumb with just a bit of sweetness.  Toasts up perfectly, and was just wonderful with a light spread of raspberry jam.  Looking forward to a sandwich for lunch!

Anyway, here's my version of Benny's 50% Hokkaido Milk Loaf.......


My bread flour was KA

My WW flour was freshly home milled white winter wheat from Central Milling

My bulk and proof temps were 82F (4.5 hours bulk, 6.25 hours final), and I did chill the dough prior to rolling

I will now shamelessly copy all of Benny's lovely bread photo angles....... :). THANKS BENNY!

Stunning loaf Rich, I’m so glad you liked it.  You obviously kneaded that dough to full gluten development since you were able to get a big rise.  The flavor of your bread must have been amazing with your freshly home milled flour, yumm.  Super bake sir.


This one's a keeper, for sure.  It took about 22 minutes in the Ankarsrum but I got a nice windowpane, so worked out well.  I will probably try this out with your 75% and 100% whole wheat formulations, too!


I’m so glad that you liked this one enough to give the higher % whole wheat ones a try now too.  Honestly, I am so surprised at how good this bread is as 100% whole wheat, I never thought I’ve actually like it.  I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts on these other breads when you bake them. 


A beautiful bake.  I've only made one, a 100% AP and it was still wonderful.  It is a visual delight (and it doesn't hurt that it is also super soft pull apart or slice bread and tasty too!).
