No bread today (sorry, Benny, didn't get to the Hokkaido bread today), but still had some fun with flour...... I feel like I've got my pasta dough down pretty pat at this point......
400g Caputo Antimo 00
3 large eggs
Tomato paste (to make the liquid equal 230g)
EDIT: Oops! My (minimal steps after the ingredients didn't paste! I use the "well" method for making pasta because I'm lazy and would rather clean a bowl than my food processor set up. I have a wide/shallow bowl that is perfect, so I don't have to do this directly on the counter. I pour the whisked egg/tomato paste mixture into a well created in the middle of my flour. Slowly pull flour into the mixture with a fork until it becomes very thick, then I switch to hand mixing/kneading. It will take some time to knead all the dry flour in, but resist the temptation to add moisture! Total kneading time should be able 10 minutes. Wrap in plastic wrap, and rest at RT for at least 30 minutes, or in the fridge for several hours. At this point, follow the directions for your pasta machine, or roll out by and and cut your pasta shapes. Cook (quickly) and eat!
I received a new set of cutters for my Marcato Atlas 150 pasta "machine", and I tested out the Linguine cutter today. I think due to the rain today, my dough needed about 30 minutes after rolling to dry a bit to be ready for the cutter, but after that, it went smooth as silk......
I sautéed some crimini mushrooms with butter, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. When they were tender, I mixed in some chopped parsley, half a cup of pasta water, and about 1/2-1 cup of parmesan cheese. Tossed with the pasta, then served with some grilled chicken breast and roasted zucchini......super tasty stuff!!!
.....and plenty of leftovers! :)
- rgreenberg2000's Blog
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That looks delicious Rich, it looks like you put your new pasta cutter to good use.
'Twas delicious for sure......and my daughter helped with some of the pasta production, so good father/daughter time! :)
Nice looking pasta. Looks cleanly cut and cooked well. How is the flavour?
My wife prefers linguine but I only have spaghetti/fettucine cutters for my KA so I (gasp) buy dry linguine.
Egg and tomato paste sounds great. I've never made a pasta with an inclusion before. Always wanted to try squid ink to make black pasta as a dramatic backdrop for colour. Would be cool to have tomato paste and spinach pastas mixed with squid ink pasta...
I used to do it by hand and even made pasta live at someone else's dinner party. But these days I am too lazy and rely on the KA to make the dough and power the rollers and cutters :) Otherwise for me it turns into quite a long workout. Respect for those of you doing it all by hand!
The tomato flavor is subtle, but it's there, and adds a nice background flavor. I've used basil or spinach for green pasta (the basil has a much better flavor!) I haven't done squid ink, but agree, that it would be a nice backdrop for some dramatic presentation.
I don't mind the hand crank machine for pasta, but I did have the electric motor attachment on my Xmas list (Santa didn't get it, though.....) I don't think I can justify getting the pasta accessories for my Ankarsrum, as each one is $100+, and I've got my Atlas with four cutters plus the ravioli attachment (Santa DID get me that one, but I haven't used it yet.)
I truly enjoy making (and eating) fresh pasta, and, usually, if it's just the three of us at home, the batch is about half the size or less, and is really not too much work to do.
Ah ravioli! Love them. My wife and I have made them as a team, using a mold or simply putting down sheets of pasta and doing it by hand. Fresh ravioli are so delicate and amazing. Goat cheese, mushroom, leek for fillings...
Hm... now I'm think about ravioli. And potato gnocchi. I bought a big bag of potatoes... should probably start there :) Just need to get over the fatigue from my third covid shot.
If you're not already familiar, checkout Pasta Grannies videos on YouTube. Some of them hand shape pasta like magicians.
I love ravioli! As you say, delicate, and unlimited possibilities for fillings. I think I saw that shrimp are on sale, so maybe I'll make up some shrimp ravioli for the NYE table! :)
I've seen the Pasta Grannies......I'd need to make pasta every day for months to be half as good at shaping! ;)