My annual appeal - give thanks for TFL - 2021

Profile picture for user alfanso

Here we go again...

This is the time of year that we USA based North Americans have just celebrated our Thanksgiving as we usher in the beginning of the Christmas holidays.  

I get a lot of pleasure out of my participation and reviewing of others' activity on TFL.  Probably more so than any other non-news or encyclopedic website.  And I rely on TFL for my enjoyment, diversion and personal satisfaction in learning and sharing what I've learned.  And it has enhanced my retirement hobby greatly.

I have no personal association with our host Floyd beyond a thanks to him for creating and maintaining this website.  But as long as I have the floor, I'm asking those of you who wish to thank Floyd in a different way than just kind words, to think about donating to TFL.  It may just benefit all of us in the long run. is where I make my annual donation.  Consider doing something similar if you feel like you get a real value out of TFL's existence.  If Floyd has an alternative method of contributing for you to consider, other than PayPal, I hope that he replies with that information.

I've asked Floyd more than once in the past if it was okay to post these messages, and he said yes.  So until I learn better I'm continuing an end-run and not asking first.


Thank you, Alan. You are very kind. I'm glad that people have been able to find joy and diversion here.

My apologies for not doing to more work on the site this year. I am aware that there is a lot of deferred maintenance for me to do here but... it has been a year. Like a lot of people, even those of us who've been fortunate enough to not have been directly impacted by the pandemic, I'm tired and have had to be selective about how many projects I take on. Some of the maintenance and upgrades I need to do will likely change things enough that they'll be disruptive, so I want to make myself available to respond quickly and help people if we run into trouble and I just haven't felt able to commit to that. Fingers crossed that 2022 is an easier year for all of us.

Donation made, I can’t thank you enough for the work you put into maintaining this website.  I can’t imagine how much work it is for you.

Merry Christmas and happy baking


addendum, thank you Alan for the reminder.

Thanks, Floyd. We appreciate you!


AND thanks, Alan for the seasonal reminder. Merry Christmas and a Great 2022 to all.

Floyd, In the words of an immortal Super Bowl commercial.... "I love you, maaan!"


Donation made. TFL is full of inspiration and takes my mind off politics and pandemics and onto what really matters, bread!


Donation made!  Thank you Floyd for everything you do with the site.  I've learned so much on TFL and really appreciate the community the site creates.  Wishing you a smoother 2022!

Thank you Alan for making the post!

Donation made...Thanks for all your hard work Floyd.



Profile picture for user Abe

Do you have any other way other than paypal? It's asking me to create an account. 


I am grateful for this virtual village where I've learned so much. Thank you, Floyd. And thank you to all the citizens of TFL who generously share their knowledge and experience. 

Ditto - I've learned so much here, still do each time I log in. Very grateful for this village. Appreciation expressed tangibly also. 

Great site and well thought out.  I enjoy it very much and I'm happy to be able to support the effort.