A Thread to Thank Floyd

Just a note to say Thank You to Floyd for all his endless hard work. The new server is just a recent example of one of countless ways in which he plows so very much time and effort into making this such a very successful site. Also, putting up with us is no easy feat either. So for all the things we mention and don't mention, we remain grateful to you for your providing us with a community where we are all enabled to share and bake better bread, et. al. Thank youl, Floyd. Country Boy

Agreed, thanks Floyd! This site is a great resource and your work here makes it all possible.

Thank you for your kind words, Country Boy. 

I've greatly enjoyed how the site has come into its own this last year.  I've not been entirely absent, but at least 95% of the good posts and helpful replies this last year has come from community members, posts by folks like you, David, Eric, Norm, Mike Avery, Mark, Patty, Dolf, Mini, Annie, TheGreenBaker, ZolaBlue... too many names and screennames to list them all!  But its been great though, truly an enjoyable site to read and participate in.

I haven't been around that long, but I, too, am grateful to you for creating and maintaining this site. I have learned so much already and feel like I've barely scratched the surface of what's here.

I've really gotten a lot of good out of TFL!

Thanks for putting this all together!!

I can't tell you how important TFL has been to me.  Baking bread has become a central part of my life over the last 3 months and the interaction with all the folks here has been wonderful.  Thanks so much for the site!


This is one of the first sites I discovered two years ago when I started to bake bread. It gave me the encouragement to continue. We're all thankful for Floyd! Trish

It was exactly one year ago that I baked my first loaf of bread (it was a cottage cheese dill loaf) and not long thereafter that I found this site.  The learning curve was a bit less daunting thanks to all of the good information here, including book reviews, shared experiences, and those wonderful video links.

Each loaf I mix, knead, and bake is a learning experience. I've found the hints and tips here invaluable.   Especially when things go wrong!

Much appreciation to Floyd for creating and maintaining this site.  And to his family, of course.  Thanks toTFL, I'm learning new skills and haven't bought bread in over a year.

A thoughtful Thanksgiving to all.



Thanks for creating and maintaining this site, and thanks to all who give such good advice. The improvements are so fast. I for one am looking forward to a place where I can get some of the most commented on recipes. Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you. If you really mean what you said,  said it again, again and again that the way the Chinese said it in China. That what my brother-in-law told me he learned it in China.



Without this site and all the friendly, helpful advice and encouragement, I'm sure I would have given up on my sourdough starter.  I may not comment often, but this site is a daily must read for me.  Thanks so much!


It's been almost 3 years since I said Hi and HELP!! Thanks Floyd & Dstroy for all the time you've given up for us! I've met some very wonderful peeps and am sorry some haven't been here for a while, Zolablue & Browndog. I'm happy we are hearing from Jmonkey..longtime no see! And am equally excited that Sourdolady, Mini Oven are still here contributing. What a team of contributers, Dave, Howard, Eric, Mike, Mark, Norm, Steve, SpH, Bill Wraith...Jane, Annie, the Sue's, Weaverhouse..gee..I could go on and on. If I've forgotten anyone, no slight intended. So on Thanksgiving I will give thanks for all the blessings in my life and for all of you! Betty

I was just thinking how much I have learned from this site in the past year and a half. 

I would really hate to have to PAY for all of the information that I have gleaned.

I lurk on this site every day, either at work or at home or both and gather tidbits that I can use in my baking endeavors.

Thanks to all of you, but, most importantly, to Floyd for providing such a vast storehouse of knowledge!




I've only been a member for a short time, but this is one of my favourite forums. Always something new to learn eg today, what is a couche?(I found out on Google.) Well done Floyd, you run a great forum. Pat.