My grandmother gave me an old pedestal style Kitchenaid that is K45, says Hobart Co., Troy, Ohio. I can't find a serial number. It has fruit designs on the metal band behind the speed control. I have never seen this before, so I was hoping it might help to narrow down the year. The whisk is metal and the paddle and dough hook are white. the bowl has no lip. White 2 pronged cord. Anyone know approximately what year this was from? I need to replace the broken whisk.
When I helped my father wire (he was an electrical engineer and electrical contractor) in 1963 we still installed two wire outlets. By the late 60's a ground was required. Our first house - 1969 - I had to replace wiring to go with a ground for the kitchen and some other areas. (between 63 and 68 I was in engineering school and and no longer working with Dad - working with Dad were very good years.)
Hope this helps a little with your time frame - likely a very good mixer.
Thank you, that does help me narrow it down! I appreciate your help!
I have a K5 from 1977 and the serial number is o the side opposite the picture you have shown. Mine is almost worn off completely. You may have to open the top and see if it is inside. Lots of youtubes on repairing these machines.
Did you ever figure out what year this was? I have one also but no identifying numbers besides the fruit and k45ss on the side.
Did you ever figure out the date for your mixer? I just bought one with the fruit decals from Ebay, and I am curious just how old the thing is.
The only answers I’ve gotten is that it was a limited edition, but contradicting times from late 50’s to 70’s.
I spoke with KA and they could not date it, but suggested I call the museum.
Oh wow, thanks! Interestingly, mine has two decals on each side, while yours looks to have one, so I'm thinking they are from different releases of the limited edition. Out of curiosity, does yours have a 3-pin plug or 2-pin? Mine has a 2-pin plug, but I don't know enough about electrical plugs to use that to estimate a date.
After a bit of soap and water, this mixer is looking almost new.
Mine is only 2 prong. It says Hobart on it. And yes only one decal instead of 2. I know they did a release of some of the older limited editions but I’m just not sure what is and isn’t.