I was prompted to make a time lapse of my sourdough during the oven spring. This is the start of the bake condensed into 37 seconds. Sorry about the background reflection, but you’ll get the gist. They are 750-gram oval loaves, Vermont sourdough with 10% whole wheat.
You can view the video on my YouTube https://youtu.be/c90Yqi3gLBE
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Well done Gavin, the dough barely spread after scoring and had a great bloom.
Thanks Benny. The VSD is such a reliable and consistent formula.
Thanks for posting the video Gavin!
Curious on your set-up... I can't quite tell with the reflection... Are the loaves on a baking steel? If so, do you have a steam pan and where is it placed in relation to the loaves?
Hi, Troy
The loaves are on a ceramic baking stone I bought from my oven’s manufacturer, Miele. It’s great as I get to maximise the oven’s space. My oven has an inbuilt steaming function that I use to inject three bursts of steam: one five minutes before, the second at the time of loading the dough and a third five minutes into the bake. I have included a picture of the baking stone and loaves from an earlier bake.