With a few alterations in method and hydration.
645g T 65
465g filtered water
13g salt
heaping 1/4 tsp ADY
mixed on “1” for 5 min KA. Room temp 3 hrs. Placed outside on patio at 50 degrees 9 pm- 8 am. Removed from container beautiful gluten strands had quadrupled. Floured counter folded four four sides in rounded and placed in heavily floured clothlined banneton. Let rise 2 hrs refrigerator for 90 min preheated Le Creuset 450- 30 min. Turned out loaf onto parchment. Baked covered 30 min and uncovered 25 min. Perfection , the crumb is like a croissant as far as form. Soft and very light with a shattering rich crust. Have more experiments in the future.
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is a beautiful thing to behold! There was some chatter on the "wire" a short time back that a future CB may be for lacy crumb. Keep this one in mind in the event that is in the pipeline.
I’m playing with the T 65. Using the KA and less water gave me this crumb as well as the much reduced room temp proving time. And chilling etc
This is again the Famed Sullivan Bread but with all my changes 🤦♀️😳 it’s not recognizable.
I will watch for the Lacy Crumb posting. c
What a beautiful lacy crumb you achieved Caroline, that is my preferred but seldom achieved crumb. You must have been so happy when you sliced that open, I know I would have been.
Wasn’t sure what I’d get with changing so many variables. My science husband says “ change one thing!”. You are much better at documenting and science 😊 👨⚕️
I will try only a short mix in the KA next and see what I get. Stay tuned. c
Incredible crumb! I’m sure it was tasty too!
Thank you Danni. I'm having a lot of fun with this flour. I am a bit concerned that it is no longer available anywhere ...none. There are knock offs but L'Epicerie sold out after I posted about it....probably a coincidence but who knows. Anyway the supply chain for the whole world seems to be broken so I am going to be a bit more frugal I guess,
Your breads are so beautifully consistent. Wonderful flavor combinations !! c
Love this crumb and that soup looks like the perfect combo for a fall day!
I have made butternut squash soup for years and this batch had to be the best ever. I have a bottle of Ver Jus. If you haven't tried it you must !! It is the most exquisite taste and the addition of it to this soup was just the thing to bring it to the ultimate flavor. The French t65 is definitely a game changer for bread baking. I wish it was still available. It isn't anywhere now. I am hoping that it will come back in stock. The only ones available now are knock offs with suspect originations.
"What is verjus used for?
Verjus heightens the flavor of any fish, chicken, game, red meat, and vegetable dish. It adds a wonderful and flavorful complexity to your dressings, syrups, sauces, marinades, and gravies. It is soft and flavorful enough to use all by itself as a salad dressing."This is the one I bought. Not from Amazon though and not that expensive. I am going to have to get more as it is outstanding !! https://www.google.com/search?q=fusion+verjus+blanc&sxsrf=AOaemvI4mLpsdU2DyqqZABQ0UewDwMIbWw%3A1633267483910&ei=G69ZYcKEN4er5NoP1Yei2Ak&oq=fusi…;I will have to try and find some Verjus. It sounds like something I would like.
Best regards,