Drum Sieve # for coarse rye meal?

Profile picture for user Gadjowheaty

Following on another thread, so it doesn't get lost as it's a separate question, the drum sieves I have (thank you Dan Ayo!), which are #30 and #50, are way too fine to deal with my shakedown milling (i.e., screwups) using the Retzel Mil-Rite.  Takes forever to obtain very little, and my intention wssn't bolted rye, but re-milled coarse bits.

Rather than trying to rescue a re-milling to make finer rye flour, especially following on Dan's excellent post on multiple passes and starch damage, feeling the grist I have feels like excellent, coarse meal - a complement to my Baker's Authority pumpernickel, which I find fairly fine.  Maybe a nice Valais rye...

So - any suggestions on just getting the seeds retained, and that's just about it?  I realize that without knowing the grist I actually have, it's hard to recommend, but - seeds retained, only?




Don't know about rye, but a #8 retains most wheat kernels.


One of my favourite sieves was plastic and came from a sandbox toy.  Fit nicely over a small bucket.  The kids never missed it cause I got to it first.  Also if you happen to have a sprouting kit or lid sieve, check out the spacing. 


Charbono - thanks.  Will look into it.  Per mini's suggestion, I might be overthinking this one (what?  Moooiiiiiii?), but good to know.

Mini, great idea.  The only colanders we have have holes that go from good sized to too big as they go up the side, but I'll poke around the nether regions of our storage - gotta be something in the lad's baby stuff, right?  :)

No, perfect, thanks.  Much better than dropping another $28 on a drum sieve.

Another place to look is in an asia market.  The plastic bowls used to wash rice could be the size you're looking for and they come in a variety of sizes.  This one is also a favourite... and cheap.

Perfect, mini to the rescue again!  From this mess I got what I would say is perfectly-textured finer pumpernickel, indistinguishable to me, actually, from the BA pumpernickel I have on hand.

The rest, I milled as coarse meal for blending in various ryes.  Without a hitch.  

Vielen Dank!  In the mood for some Fröstlberg kruste!