An old gypsy swing friend of mine from my playing days saw some breads I'd made and got in touch with me. He now lives in Copenhagen and describes a couple of breads he loves, a rye and an oatmeal bread of some sort, with porridge. The bakery is Batting Bakery, and the two breads are:
1. Svedje Rug 50% grød på svedjerug
2. Havrebrød 50% grød på havre
Now, Bing gives me:
1. Sweat Rye 50% porridge on sweaty suction, which I'm sure nails it. Reverse engineering this thing should prove interesting.
2. Oatmeal 50% porridge on oats. Boring translation. I'd hoped for "exploding ankles" or something equally as intriguing.
Anyone know much about either of these breads?
It's rye grain bread with 50% rye content in it (i.e. 50:50 rye/wheat bread). It means that rye is incorporated in form of whole kernels, not cracked nor milled.
The other one is oatmeal bread with 50% oat flour (and/or or oat grain/ flakes) and the rest is I assume is wheat flour.
You amaze me. Thanks mariana!