NY Bakers No-Fail Baguette

Profile picture for user Slideslinger

Here's my attempt at baking the "No-Fail Baguette" from the NY Bakers website. See the recipe HERE
I switched the recipe up just slightly. I mixed 400 grams of  NYBakers Craft Flour Type 550 (which is equivalent to French Type 55 flour) and 100 grams of Bobs Red Mill Organic Whole Wheat. Instead of fresh yeast, I substituted SAF red label instant yeast and I also added about 20 grams of bakers malt powder. As you can see, the results are stupendous and the bread is simply delicious! I'm starting to gain a lot more confidence as my skillset expands. Thanks so much to the Freshloaf community for all of the awesome inspiration!!


Hi Benny!
Not quite. This is my 3rd try. I made an attempt a couple of months ago, before I had any kind of clue what the heck I was doing. Complete failure, no surprise - LOL!! I made a couple of loaves on Thursday, using an overnight poolish. These were OK, tasted great, but still not up to standard. Yesterdays bake was my best effort, to date. No doubt you noticed the curve in one of the loaves. I baked 3 at once, but my 14 x 16 baking steel was a little crowded and I had some difficulty sliding the loaves on efficiently. So, until I get a larger steel I'll limit myself to 2 loaves at a time. Next, I'm going to try baking dmsnyders recipe for San Joaquin Sourdough Baguettes.
Baguettes have been a staple in my diet for a very long time and I'm thrilled to be baking - and EATING - my own!
P.S.: Here's Thursdays 'Poolish' Baguettes