Espresso Chocolate Cherry Sourdough

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This is very loosely based on the recipe from Modernist Cuisine. I found myself searching for variations and I was pleasantly surprised to find a few solid contenders, including a great looking Chocolate Sourdough Noir on the Clever Carrot website. One of the websites copied Modernists recipe, almost getting it right except for one pretty major goof. Instead of 1/8 tsp of active dry yeast, the writer listed 8 grams - a heaping tsp. And dummy that I am, that was the recipe I used. I recently purchased a block of fresh yeast, so any recipe that calls for dry yeast I just convert the amount to compensate. Imagine, if you will, what my kitchen smelled like when I added approximately 20 grams of fresh yeast to the mix!! 🤣 I was mortally afraid I had screwed the pooch - but much to my amazement the bread came out just fantastic!!

•    .39 grams instant dry yeast
•    185 grams warm water
•    230 grams liquid sourdough starter
•    10 grams diastatic malt powder
•    200 grams bread flour - General Mills All-Trumps High-Gluten Flour
•    40 grams Organic Spelt flour
•    30 grams Hershey's sp. dark cocoa powder
•    15 grams espresso
•    7 grams fine salt
•    80 grams dark chocolate chips
•    80 grams Nestle espresso chips
•    160 grams canned tart cherries



Wow does that ever look decadent.  I made a chocolate cherry hazelnut sourdough loaf this past February and it was delicious.  I bet your loaf tastes amazing as well.


Thanks a bunch Benny. I'm really enjoying my new found obsession. It took me a minute to really get rolling while I developed my starter(s). The specialty loaves are fun, but I get the most satisfaction from the rustic country type of bread. Fresh bread and strong coffee in the morning. That's living!!!✨