Aggressive Bertinet Folds mid-bulk

Profile picture for user Gadjowheaty

For a variety of unimportant reasons, I needed to beat the snout out of ... dough, so did some truly impressive, aggressively percussive FF's on Hamelman's VT SD 100 minutes into bulk.

All other things being equal - "normal" handling at bench and into bannetons, what should I expect in the finished crumb?

FFs should't take any more than 2-6 minutes total FF time when done with any agility.   All at initial mixing time, rather than midway through BF time.  The outlier might be ciabatta which might take a few additional minutes, again all at the initial mix time.

If you overdevelop the gluten structure I'd expect you to have a very tight crumb, especially as this dough has a relatively low hydration.  But as I've never done what you describe, I have no first hand knowledge. 

Well, here's what i got:

Flavor's really good, crumb texture is same, crust is nice but a touch too .... audible.....crunchy, and chewy at the same time.  I like it but many may not.  Not sure if this is a function of something to do with my initial steaming, or this mid-bulk FFing, which was truly aggressive.  I'd love to know more about the "why" of these folds in the midst of bulk fermentation.