I think this is the right forum. Mods, obviously, whatever you'd like to do.
There are at least a few people whose journey here I'd like to view; something of a virtual tutorial through time by some very knowledgeable folks. I see tracking, but as far as a I can tell, that's maybe a thread they've been involved in?
At any rate, just a query. Thanks.
Go to the user’s profile and choose “Track”. Look for all topics that were posted by that particular user.
Example -
Choose those topics that were posted by Gadjowheaty.
Lol, what kind of a name is "gadjowheaty?"
Thanks Dan. I was just wondering if there's a way to go by individual posts. I've tried tracking but thought it takes you to a topic where they've been involved, but not the post where they were. On longer threads, just wondering if there's a way to directly go to their post(s).
All good. Very likely the search will unearth another line to study, not a bad thing.
Paul, in those long threads, one option is to use your browser's search facility and search for the user name you are interested in.
Thanks Lance. You mean, say, just try "[subject] [user] The Fresh Loaf" in Chrome search? If so, I've done that sometimes and it's great, especially for specific issues.
Do you know any way to sort the returns by date? I'm more after following a given user through time here, learning from their journey. Any way to do that, do you know?
No, what I'm saying is; suppose you have used the TFL "Track" facility to find a members posts, maybe one of the results is in a very long thread, eg a community bake thread. Go to that thread in Chrome and use ctrl F (Windows) to open Chrome Find facility. Enter relevant user name and you can easily jump to all that users posts in the thread.
Wow, didn't know that! Thanks Lance. I'm stuck somewhere in the 19th century, I'm afraid. Technically a dork.
It wouldn't help with forum posts, but if they blog you can go to /blog/<username> and see their blog posts. Like https://www.thefreshloaf.com/blog/danayo or https://www.thefreshloaf.com/blog/floydm
OK thank you Floyd. I've never exchanged with you so I just want to say thank you for this extraordinary resource. I am pleased (thank you Danny) to say Heilidh was kind enough to give me a copy of her thesis, which I think is testament to the importance of this community.
Awesome, you are very welcome!
I really enjoyed that thesis.
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but is there a way to sort search results by date? Sometimes I would like to see the most recent results, especially with results for vendors of ingredients. Many of the older posts have vendors that are unfortunately no longer in business.
In the search as it is now? No, not really.
In the future (waves hands) if/when I migrate the site to the newer version of the CMS we're using here, I will definitely set up a better search. I wasn't terribly familiar with the search tools available when I built this out. I am much more familiar with them now.
Thanks, Floyd! It's not a huge deal. I often go through all the search results as I still consider myself a newbie.