Date - Pecan Sourdough

Profile picture for user trailrunner

I found this formula on Sourdough Companion and used it as a starting point for my bread. is the link. I subbed the dates and pecans for the dried fruit. I also changed the spices . I used 400 g KA bread flour and 100 g KA ww flour. Sorghum syrup from TN for the sweetener. I baked it as one large loaf at 375 for 1hr. No steam and no stone this bake and no slash.

This is the most amazingly good sourdough I have made so far. The dough comes together like silk. I could handle it with ease and the folding of the fruit into the dough was simplicity itself. I used rice flour for the 1st time on the linen napkin with which I lined the basket. I will always do that from now on. It makes the dough literally fall off of the cloth w/ just a light dusting remaining. Things I will do differently...I will use a larger basket next time or else make 2 boules, I will slash...I didn't as I was afraid the fruit would burn. Turns out the charred dates are so YUM that it is a good thing when they caramelize. I will also go ahead and steam and stone although it is fine w/o but I want to see the difference. So here goes...formula "my way" and pics.

400g KA bread flour

100g KA ww flour

200g starter ( I used my 100% hydration white)

162g warm milk ( I used 1%)

162 g warm water

20 g sorghum syrup ( you could use honey)

10 g Kosher salt

7 g mixed spice ( 5 g cinnamon,1g cardomom,1g nutmeg)

250 g mixed dried fruits/nuts ( I used 1/2 chopped dates and pecans)

Mix all but fruits/nuts in KA just till moist and autolyse 20 min. Use mixer on setting 2 for 1 min to knead bread x 3 with 10 min rests between. May need to add a few drops of water depending on your ww flour and your moisture in your home. Dough should clean the bowl right away and be soft,pliable and silky almost from the start. Ferment 1 hr . Do 2 stretch and folds at 1 hr intervals on the counter. Return to oiled covered bowl after each.  Remove dough from bowl and flatten to a large rectangle. Dough is so smooth and soft that this was a pleasure. Strew the nut/fruits over the dough and roll up to a long tube and then gently fold in ends and sides to make a smooth ball. Return to oiled covered bowl 1 hr. Remove and shape as desired... 1  large boule, batard or 2 .Place in cloth lined basket. Let rise in a warm place for 3-4 hrs, I use the mantle in my kitchen above the fireplace. Bake in preheated 375 oven one hour for one large loaf or to 200 degrees internal temp...see my notes above...steam/stone etc are optional. Finished loaf :

Photobucket crumb shots: Photobucket Photobucket

i'm going to bookmark this recipe for my to_do list.  i always liked the taste of dates in baked goods.  but i've never tasted charred dates, so now's a good time as any to try them.

thanks for sharing!


I first read about the wonders of charring dried fruit in a Collette book....Monukka raisins were her favorite treat when she was a girl...blackened over a wood fire ,in the apt where she grew up. I have loved them since I read that. enjoy. c

The bread is wonderful and moist. Makes amazing toast and is great with cream short it is a fantastic bake. c

Hi, this may sound as a stupid question to ask, but since I'm new to this board, and new to some of shortcut terminologies, could you tell me what KA ww Flour is?  Is It King Arthur Whole Wheat Flour, or King Arthur White Wheat Flour.  Would like to eventually try this recipe, but would like to make sure I know what I'm doing.  Thanks!

Hi Trialrunner!

I tried this recipe over the weekend.. and it came out WONDERFUL!!!! Best Cinnamon raisin loaf yet! Again, many thanks for sharing the recipe.

Happy baking!


Hello, is it not required to soak the dates a little, before adding into the dough?

I mist the dates heavily with water and microwave a few seconds to warm and soften then I coat them with cinnamon. That’s all that is necessary. Everyone over soaks their dried fruit in my opinion. Also do all your fermentation time without fruit and fold it in before shaping. This prevents a stymied rising period and allows the bread to “ do its thing” . Hope you enjoy!