Oat Porridge Bread

Profile picture for user HeiHei29er

TFL'er bake list #4 this week, and this weekend's bake was Danni's Oat Porridge Bread.

A fun bake, and I learned a new technique by making a porridge.  The bread came out really good and has great flavor!  The crumb is nice and soft without being sticky.  Will definitely keep this one on the list.


That looks great Troy, very nice.  Porridge loaves always have such a tender crumb, often custard like, yumm.


I have only made one porridge bread, but really loved it. So good, and yours has great eye appeal! The hardest part (for me) was incorporating the porridge into the dough. Once that got worked out, it went well.



Thanks Mary!  That part went fairly well.  Broke up the porridge into chunks and spread it pretty evenly across the dough in the bowl.  Added the salt and the levain on top of that and started kneading in the bowl.  It went in pretty quickly.

How is your toaster oven working?  It was hot this weekend, and I think my baking days may be numbered unless I figure out a way to do them without heating up the house.  😁

I'll try your approach next time. The recipe I followed said to mix everything except the porridge, let the dough rest for an hour, and work the porridge in last. It took some doing to get it mixed in evenly without lumps, but eventually it worked out. I can see your approach would be a little easier.

No baking the last 2 weeks. 😢 But it's for a good reason: kitchen remodel! We had to pack up everything out of the drawers and cupboards so the cabinets could get refacing done, new drawers too. Which means no access to bowls, spatulas, kitchen scale, nada. It was like moving without going anywhere. Everything is unpacked now, and I am waking my starter up from it's slumber. Hoping to get to do a simple pan loaf tomorrow! Good thing, we are nearly at the end of the freezer stash. The toaster oven has been quite handy of late, lol. Thanks for asking!


DannI does a great job of detailing her method.  I just followed along and didn’t deviate much.  Made for a fun bake!

Congrats on the remodel!  Sounds like it went well.  Any new appliances to go with the refacing?