Is Kyrol flour generally unbleached or bleached?


The local restaurant depot near me in Los Angeles has 50 pound bags of Kyrol flour, but the bags don’t specify if it’s bleached or unbleached. The bags say they’re milled in Colton, CA. Even the ingredient label on the bag simply says wheat and then lists the enrichment ingredients.

Does anyone know if Kyrol is generally bleached or unbleached? Or, is there any way to know about the Colton product without buying a bag and seeing for myself?

The ardent Mills website seems to leave it pretty ambiguous, which I took to mean that there are likely different products across the country. 


I would imagine being in California it would be unbleached. I believe the common bleaching agent potassium bromate is banned in California. 

Interestingly, Ardent Mills's (a Colorado based company) Kyro l is listed with potassium bromate on this Amazon link.

Since you have an ingredients list on your bag I think you're OK to assume it's unbleached. Anything with oxides in the name are suspect.


"Enrichments" are vitamins, iron and folate (folic acid).

If you see "azodicarbonamide" listed,  that is a bleaching agent.

"Potassium bromate" is also an oxidizer, meaning it bleaches, but it also does more.


after a web search... It looks to me like the Kyrol brand comes in both bleached and unbleached varieties. (General Mills' "All Trumps" high protein flour also comes in both bleached/bromated and unbleached/unbromated versions.)

Here is a web page that says the Kyrol  flour that they sell is bleached:

Here is a web page that sells UNbleached Kyrol:


update/edit: here's a seller who lists both:


You could also take note of the part# (or UPC) of the bag at Costco, google that part number, and see if any detailed specs come up.


General Mills goes to great lengths to make it easy to distinguish packages of bleached/bromated All Trumps from unbleached/unbromated All Trumps: 1) the package says so, either way, in big lettering on the front and back, 2) the part # is even more prominent, front and back,  and 3) they use different color ink on the bag.

The various formulations available on Amazon had me confused indeed, and lend more credence to the suspicion that Kyrol comes in different varieties.

Rock, I wish that it was so simple regarding California and bleaching! We have many flours here that are bleached. Most of the stuff in supermarkets is bleached. 

I recently finished up a bag of all trumps and another of harvest king and I like how GM are very explicit about bleaching and bromating. AT is hard to find in my experience in Southern California, and only one local restaurant depot around me carries it. It is the unbleached unbromated variety and yes, the color of packaging/lettering is very helpful. I wish Ardent Mills were so specific!

good ideas regarding the batch number and contacting the company. As far as the ingredient list goes, I don’t recall seeing any oxidizing or bromating agents, but I should have snapped a photo. Thank you for the enlightenment about the differences!