Got my first BBQ recently, Akorn Jr Kamado
Cannot help baking bread as well :)
Once the dorm temp reached 425F, put the loaf pan in (covered with the inverted loaf pan). Removed the cover after 15min and baked at 390-400F for another 20min. Roasted drumsticks & potatoes after than.
Smell really good. The bottom is a bit burnt, even though baked under indirect heat (use a steel plate as heat deflector under the grate). Next time, I will try raising the pan a bit higher.
What size of the dutch oven can fit inside Akorn Jr?
Sitting on the smoking stone is a good idea. I'm planning to get the smoking stone but it's out of stock in NZ (lots of delay in freight coming here due to Covid)
Yes I had to wait for my smokin' stone too.
Its a 9 inch, 5 inches deep with lid 7 inches high
I sit the Dutch oven on the inner grill piece to space off the stone and stop the bottom of the loaves burning.
This is really a brilliant idea. Thanks for sharing the photo. I'll make a note of this.
Cannot wait to get my smoking stone! :)