Dough Kneading & Gluten Development

Profile picture for user DanAyo

Dough Kneading & Gluten Development

I am in the process of putting together a post dealing with dough kneading (both by hand and machine) and also gluten development. It is hoped that this page can be linked in other post to help those needing assistance. Here is an example of such a help page dealing with starters.


Please post any relevant resources that can be added to this post.


Great video showing a dough that was grossly over worked in a food processor


Not possible to over knead dough by hand


A master works wet dough by hand

A TFL user, ‘mariana’ has a SERIES of POST that is very informative. The images in those post are also helpful.

The post where Mariana talks about gluten development using a food processor is one of the most informative threads I've ever read.

> Not possible to over knead dough by hand

It would be interesting to see this experiment repeated with a few different whole grain doughs (especially with freshly milled flour).