I found a package with Emmer flour in the larder that I had totally forgotten about so my weekly bake for friends consisted of 25% Emmer with the rest Marriages Strong White as I had not baked with this flour for a long time and did not want to go wild too quickly....and risk the friends ending up with disaster loaves...ha, ha....
I sadly could not cut into them and then used the same approach for another bake two days later that I almost forgot to cut into but managed to take a photo before it was all gone...
I often bake now 20% starter at 100% hydration (as colder now), 2% salt, 78% hydration which at a temp of 25C gives me a bulk of around 4 hours ish with a couple of coil folds on an hourly basis and left alone for the last hour or so...
I like to develop gluten a bit more upfront and normally do some slap and folds after I have added the salt...I can't tell anymore what the percentage of rise is but probably when I have more than one loaf bulking I play it a bit safe and don't let them go quite as high as 50% as I know the wine cooler will struggle with all those loaves and even at 4C they rise a little bit in there....
The Emmer flour was quite dark and I loved the flavour so shall order more next time from Shipton Mill...
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beautiful loaves! I've never baked with emmer - another thing to add to my list!
great and I decided to bake more with it...the taste was delicious.... I am working slowly through my larder and also found some Einkorn flour...
Thank you so much and I bookmarked two formulas here just from this week....the to do list gets longer and longer...
Beautiful bread Kat.
and I love to try different flours...I seem to go through flour phases..or just use what seems to be in the cupboard...:D Kat
They look so good! I've also heard the Romans ate emmer with fenugreek (and fennel) so I'm going to pop that in half of them.
and I have not used emmer that much recently as I bake much more selling my bread and sadly for larger production emmer is a bit pricey and also harder to get by in bigger quantities. Looking forward to seeing your bake....
Hi NaCl,
I made a few emmer loaves and put them out to my testing community.
30% emmer, 20% AP and 50% White Bakers. They were 70% hydration with a reasonable splash of extra water with the salt. They feel like the rigidity of khorasan and have a bit of the mild gumminess of spelt, but a bold taste. I'll have to up the emmer next time to really get the hang of the making and taste. Half the loaves I added fenugreek (toasted and ground) and fennel. I haven't tasted the fennel one yet, but I'm really not sure about fenugreek- the smell gives me the creeps. People seem to like it though.
I did the Rofco shuffle, but still managed to burn one loaf, which is weird because you'd think you'd burnt two if any? weird. I probably should have lowered the heat like I do with spelt. I baked at 240 for 15 minutes, then 25 at 200, vented at 20 minutes. I think I shaped a bit too tight as they're pretty inelastic and didn't really relax much overnight. Crumb was wild and pretty and they feel light in the eating, but not soft. Perhaps I could bake until higher than 92C? I wasn't really attending to the temp once it got over 93C on the thermometer so lacking that info. One could easily bump up the AP as the stiffness of the emmer is not going to tend to flat bread like baking with khorasan. Fermentation took longer than usual, I think, but then it's starting to get colder here, so it's hard to work out what's going on with that. Hydration could definitely go up a bit also, but I was being careful.
That's the report!
are a nuisance...
I am now adding racks when I do the shuffle to prevent this. Even with raising the stones a bit and the shuffle I used to get them...
I also think it has to do with the pre-heat temps..if they are higher the buttoms get burnt more especially if you delay venting steam and shuffle to maximise steam.
What is your baking regime? start 200C, vents open after 20 min and then up to 240 for 15min...?
Wow that is a lot of emmer and you are aiming for even more! Looking good but cannot comment re. hydration and crumb as I never have used fenugreek either... Where are you based? Emmer is quite pricey in UK and probably could have it as a special or something but would have to look at pricing.
Keep me in the loop and love to hear how it is going... Kat
p.s. I baked a large batch of potato and poppyseed loaves today. They are very popular with my customers in the UK.
Hey Kat,
Great ideas. I've replied to you on instagram.