Hi everyone,
First time trying my hands on a sourdough starter, I mixed my water and flour on day 1 at 4 p.m looking forward to feed it the next day at 4p.m but my starter has already doubled and is bubbly at 8 a.m the next day. Is it possible to feed it already or do I have to wait for 4p.m again to do so
Thanks in advance
Wait 2 days then feed it. After that stir at about 12 hr intervals for 3 days - don't feed during this time. Now leave it alone for 1 day and report what happens here - you'd be looking for bubbles and how much it rises, or doesn't. Enjoy!
Thanks for the advice, unfortunately I risked it all by feeding it on the second day itself but at 11:30 a.m instead. I suppose that maybe it would be a better idea to start all over again now?!
At this stage in the process just follow the above from the start again. If what i think has happened did, and it most likely did, you just got by a first stage of growth so to speak. Start over and you'll just have to go through that again. Do the above, don't expect to see much happening till you get towards the end of the process, or later, especially if using white flour. Let us know how it goes! Enjoy!
Many thanks for your help, will be trying that.
Be patient, it does take a little time. Enjoy!
Ps - what type of flour is used?
In the end , I risked it all and continued feeding my starter with a ratio of 1:1:1 with whole wheat flour up to day 7, from there I fed it with half whole wheat flour and half all purpose. On day 8 I portioned 60 g from the starter and fed it with all purpose flour only. This is how they both look like on day 11, 8 hrs after feeding
My bad! It was in fact 6hrs after feeding.