Bagels and sourdough weekend bake

Profile picture for user dvdnvl

This weekend’s round of bagels (Reinhart, BBA) and sourdough (Hamelman, Vermont sourdough) turned out pretty good. Bottom of rounds took a bit too much heat... didn’t have my baking stone or anything below the dutch ovens, whoops. Still working on basics... 



I agree a bit of shielding would have helped, but it doesn’t take away from how great those loaves look, wonderful bagels as well.


Thanks, Benny. The stone can be a bit much to bring up to temperature, so sometimes I go without it. I've never done the simple sheet pan on the bottom rack and may try that for kicks next weekend. My 2nd loaf actually came out looking better, more even/open, but also a bit too dark on the bottom, I think...
