Hi Fresh Loaf Community!
We're a start-up member organization based in Colorado and collaborating on an online course for UCCS Grain School and wanted to send along information in case anyone is interested! Please read on below and share to anyone you know of, baker/miller/pasta maker/farmer no matter how big or small their operation is. Home bakers and professionals are all invited.
The University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) Grain School 2021 is going online! This year’s theme focuses on taking the time with heritage grains to learn, experiment, diversify, collaborate, and celebrate! Join the April 3rd public Zoom forum highlighting grains and connection to community and culture.
Take one course for $150 or add on access to the previous two courses for $400. Registration for Course 3: “Grains Build Community” is now open! Visit https://outreach.uccs.edu/grain to learn more and to register! Scholarships for Colorado farmers and grain-based business owners are available.
Course 3: Grains Build Community
Free Public Forum Apr 3, 10am-2pm. Register Here
Online Course: $150. 10+ Self Guided Modules. Thursday Live Sessions April 1-22, 4:30-6pm
April 1: 4:30-6pm: Alyshia Galvez, PhD Talks Food Sovereignty & Trade
April 8: Rowen White talks Seed Sovereignty Agreements: What are they and how to build one in your organization
April 15: Regulatory and Policy Issues in Grain with Various Experts
April 22: Regional and Whole: Grains in Institutions
A full brochure about the fee-based course and the free forum can be seen here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEV2kDDCGc/m2vznLkVUYgkcR9ZWo-h3A/view?utm_content=DAEV2kDDCGc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=homepage_design_menu
Questions? Go ahead and ask them in the thread. Thanks!!!!
Thanks for the info. I would have loved to have attended the March public forum. If you think of it next year, give a shout out sooner.