Problem Getting Full Window

Profile picture for user littlejay

I'm using a "straight dough" recipe from Graincraft flour mills with the addition of a poolish.

Straight Dough Recipe

Using a Kitchenaid 500.

The dough weighs about 3 and a half pounds.

The mixer struggles and heats up too much with this mix of all bread flour (Morbread) sugar, oil and dried milk powder.

Morbread Flour

The second attempt reduced the milk powder and the dough was easier for the mixer to knead.

Today's bake was mixed for 10 min on a slow speed and 3 on medium.

After the first rise I stretched it and it broke well before window paning.

I'm thinking to reduce the amount of dough and let the mixer beat on med for 10 min.

Or...I'd hate to think that this mixer is too weak for this flour.


I'd really appreciate any ideas you have.




We don't check for the gluten development after the dough rises. Check it after you finish kneading. After the dough rises, its gluten is already stretched. You won't be able to stretch it any more than that, by definition. 

Try to mix straight dough in two steps. First with everything minus half of the flour. You would obtain a liquid mix which you can whip on medium or high speed with the paddle or whip attachment. This slurry needs to get at least 300 turns/revolutions which takes one minute or less.

Then add the remaining flour, mix on 1st for 2-3 min and on the 2nd for 3-4 min. Stop and let it rest/ferment and give more kneading like that 2 min of 1st plus 2 min on 2nd as the dough ferments, every 20-30 min. This way you will incrementally develop the gluten without overworking your mixer. 

It's either a straight dough recipe or with preferment. If you add poolish, then it is no longer straight dough and all of the above won't work, although it depends on how much flour you preferment in your poolish.

Still, poolish has so little yeast in it, you can use the same amount of yeast as in the straight dough recipe. Except it will take much less time to ferment than the straight dough. 

Thanks, I'll give that a try.

Straight dough with poolish...well I had the poolish around and you are right, it rose very well.

Thanks again.