Introduction and help request.


Hi all, I'm Randy.  I've been lurking for a while but ran into a problem, so decided to register.  I often see in the forum discussions comments about so-and-so's recipe.  So rather than going to KAF recipes per my usual, I decided to go to the recipe section here.  I was a little surprised to see a comment saying that it was a "new feature of TFL in early 2013."  It's 2021!!!  (I contemplated piggy-backing off the previous post about Cap-cha, but decided to start my own).  I only found one recipe there for bagels, and it used volume rather than weight.  I prefer measuring by weight because for a hobby baker like me, it's less of a chance for complications.

I then followed the advice on the recipes page to just search for it.  However, all I came across was people requesting help for their bagel making process.  Is there a suggested means of searching for recipes on this site?

Thanks for any help.

The site is old. It is run by one person (me), not a company. In my spare time, after work, around work, family, life. I haven't put much development energy into it in a long time.

The "recipes" section is fairly useless. It was an experiment with a Recipe content type that never really took off.

The best content is in people's blog or forum posts. It is not well curated, more just a stream and archive. 

I tend to think the best way of getting what you are looking for is posting about what you are working on. Typically someone who has been on the site for a while will chime in either with tips for you directly or with links to older posts that already address the same issue.

Good luck!


I learned from a comment here somewhere to use your preferred search engine, and add "the fresh loaf" after whatever you are searching for. Example: I just did a search for "bagel recipe the fresh loaf" and this was what came up.

Hopefully something in there helps!



TFL has been around for a long time! It is a tremendous help to posters by Q&A. The search box works fairly well but it requires some persistence. The best way to get help is for you to ask a question and respond to the answers to keep a dialogue going. Be prepared to post a recipe and techniques used in order to get the best answers.

The Fresh Loaf has posters from all over the world-he hasn't done it in a while but Floyd has posted a country list of participants, once in a while.It would be nice to see that list again. So glad you already met Floyd, our host.

There are PLENTY of discussions about volume vs weight for recipes-everyone has an opinion! Having been here for a long time, I believe most of the recipes,lately, are more likely to be by weight. I've converted most of my old recipes to weights as I find it easier to scale and share. But there is a caveat! I find that for the first pass converting a recipe, measure 1 c flour using your own,previously used cups and weigh it. You would be surprised on the variety of weights between different bakers/different measuring cups. My daughter and I did this side-by-side using our own cups-big difference! Interesting experience! Also demonstrated how forgiving a recipe can be and still obtain a delicious outcome.

This is the most civil site to learn how to bake almost anything bread. We have people with every level of experience-first time bakers, kids, professional bakers,pastry chefs, celebrated authors, etc,etc. So ask questions,participate in a dialogue, use the search, and enjoy the ambiance.

SO what problem did you experience while making bagels? Recipe?


Hi and thanks for the thoughtful response. I didn't have a problem with bagels. I've only made them once, and it was just to use some sourdough discard I had saved up. I am just looking for some other (non sourdough) recipes to try my hand at it again.

I didn't receive any email notifications from the responses, so I just checked back today. So thanks to the other posters/site owner as well. I will also try appending tfl to Google searches, so thanks for that tip!