Teething biscuits

Profile picture for user pmccool

Using the recipe from the King Arthur Flour 200th Anniversary Cookbook, I recently made teething biscuits for two great-nephews who are each 6 months old:

Peter (I've no idea why the picture refuses to display in the correct orientation.)


Getting them off to a good start with home-made baking.


Awww, what beautiful boys! And how lucky they are to have someone to make them homemade biscuits!

My identical twin grandsons are now 20 months old, but still cutting teeth. I've been thinking about accustoming them to the flavor and texture of whole grains so they won't get finicky and refuse to eat it later on. What a great way to introduce that. Thanks!

Actually, those sound like they could go well with coffee in the morning.

Funnily enough, both moms like them, too.

Ingredients are simple: milk, molasses, vegetable oil, whole wheat flour, all purpose flour.
