Why "dating" spam from India.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

There's a reason (not an excuse) for the dating spam from India.

If you look at: https://www.populationpyramid.net/india/

and click on the blue/red bars to see the underlying numbers, you'll see that there are about 23,000,000 (23 million) more men than women between the ages of 20 and 39 in India.

(The trend continues in older and younger groups too.)

So there are 23 million men, in the prime of life, "left over" (or "excess") even after all the women have obtained a boyfriend or spouse.  

23 million men, more or less without hope for a partner.  Can you imagine the competition?  The desperation?

The situation arose because of "sex-selection abortion" (now outlawed there, but not completely eradicated) and some reported infanticide (always been illegal).

At the root is a preference for sons, and the tradition of parents having to provide a dowry for daughters.


The corrolary, if that is the right word, is that single women in other countries could possibly find spouse candidates among those 23 million "extra" men in India, if they have no luck in their own country.

And as far as I know, there probably are some legitimate global match-making companies taking this into account.


And... If you look at China's numbers: https://www.populationpyramid.net/china

they have the same problem, to a slightly smaller degree, due to their "one child policy" which has now officially ended. But the gender imbalance in those  age groups that were affected will linger on.


I put this forth just as a "back-story" to the spam, for those not aware of the population demographic matter.

I've gotta say - Thanx for this man! After not hitting a golf ball for a month I could use a good laugh. This'll hold me over till March when I can hit balls again!

and you will find that men tend to outnumber the women.  It is in the nature of things that men outnumber women in birth rate and that women live longer than men.  Notice the shift around 50 - 60?  

1. Click on the bars to see the underlying numbers. It's worse than  a 51%/49% split.  Hundreds of thousands _more_ girl babies are being aborted per year _than_ boy babies.  (I calculated 340,000/year more girl-abortees than boy-abortees for births in the 5-9 age range.) Even totally disregarding the standard arguments pro/con abortion, it's the _imbalance_ that leads to social upheaval... much worse than not having a prom date.

2. The 23 million "excess men" in the prime marriage years of 20-39, or 25-44, however you want to frame it, are not looking for age 50+ women. 

Ah, too bad.  One of the best things about menopause is a stronger sex drive.  Maybe that's what shortens older men's lives, trying to keep up.  (Chuckle, chuckle.)    

 So, what's the big worry?  Too many men? If there were too many women, I seriously doubt you'd be complaining. In the past, all that extra totesterone sent men about killing each other and competing among themselves.  You worried this behavior will increase?  (Now to work a baking connection into this discussion.)

Then throw out the kitchen machines and hire muscle to do the work.  Pour that energy into something useful like kneading big batches of dough by hand (Ooh! Ahh!) and other manual labor that has been taken over by machines. With growing replacement of man-ual labor, the demand for male children should decline.  But it won't, too much male hormone around. Too many people need to change their attitude about male heirs.  Just wait. Covid-19 seems to be attracted to men more than women.  What now?  

  Hetero men, take care to keep your "one in a million" woman happy.  :)

Lemme know in a PM if you want to get more into the implications of massive artificial/intentional gender imbalance at birth. I just wanted to give some background to the recent spam, as there is a linkage with the social-pressure that the imbalance caused.

I don't want to get too political in a public message. ( So thanks for tieing it into bread-making! )  Perhaps I got too political already.  

Spam is going to happen, regardless of whether the sites are legit or not. Lots of sites "claim" to be dating sites but are in reality just phishing tools, like all those "love spell" spammers. Yes, there is a big deficit of women in quite a few countries because women are considered useless and it's "bad luck" to have a female baby who can't carry on the family name. We can't change it, it has to come from those who live there to change it. Pressure from the US or any other country won't do anything. It's all talk. China is actively doing genocide, but the new US president just removed the restrictions placed on them because our previous president was "bad" therefore anything he did must be undone. Talk is all political, it gets nothing done. Gender imbalances will continue as long as there is a class system, because women are at the bottom of them. The only thing we can really do is try to fund groups there that are actively combating those atrocities.