wheat flour.


In my country (Brazil) there is no standardization for wheat flour. The same brand, depending on the lot, date, etc. has characteristics that make the result of a process not repetitive. Is there any empirical way to know how much moisture a flour is capable of absorbing?bsorbing.

I read this idea from user Abelbreadgallery.

He said to another user (not in Brazil, but the idea is good) to buy _professional bakery_ flour.  Because professional  bakeries demand quality and consistency that is not found in grocery store flour.

Does that make sense for Brazil?

To measure the water absorption of the flour you mainly need a farinograph. I doubt there is a way to determine this without specialised equipment. If you are interested to know more, I found a very detailed and technical article about water absorption of wheat flour here.

Stick to one standard stiff preferment, after a while it will be obvious from the get-go how much water a particular flour takes.