

I have been talking about getting some white ryr flour and first clear

the ryr flour is .75 cents a pound and the first clear is about .50 cents a pound  KA I have one word for you But being a gentilman I cant say it.

the rye comes in 50 pounds and the clear comes in 100 pounds.

i did get the rye  but i will get the clear next week.  i just got 4 bags  50 pounds each of flout and some other things so there was no room in the car

i think the cheapest way to ship this would be USPS or if you are in my area you could pick it up. if anybody wants to share now is the time to speak or hold your peace i would like to keep 25 pounds of rye and 25 pounds of clear for my own use so thats means i would have to share 75 pounds of clear and 25 or 75 pounds of rye i can also get pumpernickel (rye chops)

let me know?  

Hi, Norm. Do you know what it would cost to ship to California? Say, 25 lbs or so?

hi.  please let me know shipping to zip 75093 ...i'd like 25 lbs first clear if shipping is reaaonable


a 12x12x6 usps box is about 12 to ship within the us i would have to get one to see how much whight of flour it will hold.

larger than 12x12x12 is about 23 i checked with www,usps.com for the rates.

the bottom line is that KA at 7.50 for 3 pounds of flour and the reg price of .50 a pound maks you wonder just how much is profit on there end?

i will pick up some flat rate boxes and see just how much i can  fit in their


Where do you go by car?  I am in Northern Westchester in Somers and am always glad to hear of places with good prices.



one of the largest supply houses in this area. in yonkers about 10 minutes away from me.  you could allways share a bag with me if your up this way after all 100 pounds is a lot to use by my self.

but know what you want  these guys are pros and deal with pros they will not hold your hand.

We chatted once re computers about a year ago.  I hope all is going well with you in all respects.

Could you tell me how long flour lasts?  My sense is that the sooner it is used the better.

They have a nice website.

Hi Norm...let me know the cost of 15 lb of Clear flour to zip 32792.



i never thought i would be going into the flour biz!!

i have ordered somw flat rate boxex (no charge) from the post office

the sizes are 12 x12x3 and 12x12x6 the shipping costs are $5.00 and 12 i think it does not matter about the wieght or destination i am just not sure how much each box will hold.  i an thinking about using two clear plastic bags to line the box. that should work ok.

as soon as i get them i will test them to see how much they will hold.

no matter what the cost will be much less than ka with their 7.50 for 3 pounds plus shipping Does the word ripoff come to mind.

i think rye costs the most at 0.75 cents a pound but i might be able to get it as low as 70. the clear is 50 to 48 cents a pound depending on the market that day.

country boy i certenly remember our talk a while back to answer correctly stored in a dry cool place flour can last between 6 to 9 months.

i just found that the USPS has a nice 10 pound scale for parcels for only $40.00 bucks (dollars for the  members that are not used to new York Speak)  I ordered one i think i will us it for more than parcels HOPING that nobody here rats me out to the post office.


I did some quick calculations using a bag of All Purpose flour measuring the bag. My best guess is that the larger box 12x12x6 will hold about 18 Lbs and the smaller one 12x12x3 about 9 Lbs. WW and Rye are a little lighter I think so you would get less in by weight. 

So say the rye would be slightly lighter like 17Lb X .$75=$12.75+shipping $5=17.75 or $1.04 per pound. Remarkably less than a third the price of KA.

The clear is probably close to or heavier than the AP so that would be about,
18X $.5 =$9 plus shipping $5= $14. That's $.77 per Lb. I looked at KA bread flour at the supermarket tonight at $7.99 for 5 lb. Wow! My Harvest King was $2.10 for 5Lb.

Norm this a lot of fooling around for you and I know we would all appreciate it but at what cost to you personally I mean health wise. Do you have some one to move this weight around? If you do decide to do this, I insist we all chip in on the scale at the least.



I just saw this thread and want to thank you for your research and generosity. I have been cursing KA under my breath for quite a while now. Funny how when your order gets up to $75 the shipping becomes so much cheaper.

Little did you know there would be a whirlwind of bakers beating down your door, when they hear of flour at a decent price! Like Eric, I think there has to be another benefit to you beside getting some of the flour off your kitchen floor.

I live in New Haven, and would be very interested in some of the clear flour.

Soundman (David)

since it would seem that most people here want some of both flours i ordered the 12 x12 x6 boxes that cost 12,50 to ship in the us and the scale (a new toy for me too)

so if you are right say 18 pounds at 50 cents 9 plus 12 50 21.50 per box . every time i look at ka 7.50 for 3 pounds i get sick.  not looking to compete with them but if i get a 100 pound bag i could not use it all in the 6 to 9 month shelf life so why not share the welth.  ps of course if anybody is within driveing range or just in my neck of the woods for a vist just give me a call and ouyr more than welcom to pick it up and save a few bucks more.

not doing this to make money just can see paying ka price for clear flour and i dont want to see any of it go to waste


I appreciate the ability to get the rye and the price is right. It's very generous of you to offer to do this. I will email you off forum to figure out the details. Thanks again,




    I just wanted to say that you are a typical NY'er and you do us proud with your sharing nature!! I moved from NY to the south over 25 years ago (although I was a long distance commuter and worked back up there for most of the 80's thru the 90's until 2002). Living in the south I constantly hear "are you really from NY city? the people there are so cold, rude and nasty, we can't beleive you are really from there and are so nice" I wish everyone that tells me that could read of you and your typical NY'er generosity. Thanks so much for being you!  Mattie


still waiting for the scale usps is not the fastest with handeling of orders.  just wanted to keep everyone in the loop


edit  YES  they finaly shipped the scale that means ill get the clear flour next week.