I watched an incredible show last night in regards to traditional Ginger Bread Cookies last night and would like to create some of these Gingerbread cookies using rye flour honey and spices. I would like to use a recipe hundreds of years old if possible for authentic recipe. All that I can find on the internet is recipes for modern recipes where white flour, sugar, molasses, etc. has been added.
In many cases the recipes say this is a three hundred year old recipe modified. Are all these modified as the original recipe from hundreds of years ago is not that tasty? Thank you so much for your help.
This Gingerbread has all the elements you wished to avoid. Enjoy. anyway?
Put quotes " around the search term to force the search engine to include that word.
Try this: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22rye%22+gingerbread+cookies&t=fpas&ia=recipes
At least one all rye recipe comes up.
It helps if you search in German language.
Search for "Lebkuchen rezept".
Lebkuchen rezept ohne Zucker
Copy the ingredients and paste into Google translate. Rye flour is used. No sugar. Natron is called for as a leavener. "Lebkuchengewürz" are gingerbread spices. Google this separately. It's the usual culprits of anise, allspice, cinnamon, etc.