How to add links?

Profile picture for user albacore

My forum options for new posts and comments seem to have changed very recently.

How do I do I now add a link to open in a new window?


Hello. Code-Monkey here.

Well, you have to know how to code html.

If you want to learn: see this:

and then, when editing here on TFL, click "disable rich text" here on TFL while editing your post/comment to go into Html-edit mode, and hand-code it.

the thing to look for on, is where it says:

Use target="_blank" to open the linked document in a new browser window or tab:

<a href="" target="_blank">Visit W3Schools!</a>

Sorry, I don't know how to make it simpler than that. Maybe others can help.  

target="_new" might work too, at least it used to.

Personally, I don't think it is good practice to force a new window/tab to open, as it confuses the majority of web users.  If the user really wants it to open in a new window, then the user can right-click and select "open in new window/tab".

Code-monkey out.

Well Dave, my limited html skills do go that far if necessary, but what I don't understand is why the dedicated insert link facility has recently been removed.

Perhaps Floyd can enlighten us on the change.

I'm afraid I disagree about links in new windows - it seems more intuitive to me, as after all you are likely to want to go back to the original page and you will have to press the back button and wait while the page reloads. Check - open in new window/tab is the default there, but I'm sure we could argue about it for hours and life is too short!


Profile picture for user Floydm

There was a security update that I applied to the site yesterday. It looks like it made the link button disappear. I just added it back.

I'm not positive but it looks like it may have turned off some other buttons. I'll have to look at an older version of the site to see what else is missing (done).


FWIW Chrome has started blocking target="_blank" because it is getting used for phishing. The recommended practice is to just link links and let users decide whether to open it in a new tab or not.


Thanks for fixing it Floyd. I wasn't aware of the security issue with target="_blank", as provided by "open in new window" in the link button dialogue.

It looks like it can be easily fixed with rel="noopener noreferrer", but if that has to be done manually, then that negates the convenience of the newly restored button! So I will follow your recommendation.
