I got this machine secondhand off ebay about 3 years ago and mine didn't come with a dough hook. Even though it says you don't need it, I was able to get one cheap on ebay a couple months back. I just tried to use it on a double batch whole wheat oatmeal bread and so much of it got stuck to the bottom (and stayed there) and I had to keep "helping" it. I finally ditched the hook and put on the usual spatula and roller.
Since the directions for this machine are vague and since it's not an overly intuitive machine (steep learning curve), maybe I wasn't using it right? Like, am I supposed to tighten the middle hook? Am I supposed to use it with the spatula (I'm assuming that the two holes on the side hook are to hold it)
Can someone enlighten me?
Sweet Melissa's
Custom cakes made from scratch using organic ingredients
http://www.sweetmelissas.net/ http://sweetmelissas.blogspot.com/
Heres a picture of the dough hook ready set up to go......qahtan
Oh Great! Now, am I supposed to center the hook in the bowl? Does your ever stick? Once I went to the scraper and roller it worked fine (after I pried up all the stuck dough).
Sweet Melissa's
Custom cakes made from scratch using organic ingredients
http://www.sweetmelissas.net/ http://sweetmelissas.blogspot.com/
I use the hook on stiff mixes for bagels and multi grains or any time I am mixing anything larger and slightly stiff. All of my rye mixes are done with the roller and blade, even an 8 pound batch which I often do.
The hook should be held in the position as far as it will easily be moved(away from center) and locked down with the knob as in the photo above.
The DLX is the best mixer I have ever used. I'm sure you will enjoy it if you give it a little time.
Oh, I use this machine and HAVE been using this machine at least weekly since I got it. I LOVE it. I tried two kitchen aids afterwards and couldn't stand them (the artisan and the 600 Pro). I use them for cake batters (small bowl) cake frosting (large bowl) and breads.
Mine is an AEG, wonder when it was made? When I first got it, I thought, "this thing has never been used" as it looked untouched, but 4 years later (nearly) and a lot of use, and I STILL think it looks new. It cleans up SO WELL too - one of the things I hated about the KAs.
Sweet Melissa's
Custom cakes made from scratch using organic ingredients
http://www.sweetmelissas.net/ http://sweetmelissas.blogspot.com/
I haven't opened this yet, but thanks for the source. I have the manual for the machine, but it's pretty vague... When I get a chance I'll open up the linked manual.
Sweet Melissa's
Custom cakes made from scratch using organic ingredients
http://www.sweetmelissas.net/ http://sweetmelissas.blogspot.com/
There's also a video at
Ah, there's the video. I remember seeing one eons ago, but couldn't find it, thank you!
Sweet Melissa's
Custom cakes made from scratch using organic ingredients
http://www.sweetmelissas.net/ http://sweetmelissas.blogspot.com/