I made two pumpkin boules, but one with pumpkin seeds and the other with walnuts. I did 40% pumpkin (added during autolyse) and the flour mix was 40% KABF and 60% home milled in equal parts rye, hard red winter wheat, and spelt (20% each). 2% salt and 20% levain. It's a nice tasting loaf!
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That looks and sounds delicious Ilene, are you happy with the bake, the flavour? I’ve never baked with pumpkin before, I’m actually not a big fan of pumpkin pie and that’s probably why, but your loaf looks delicious.
I'm happy with it, especially since I just tended to the dough the best I could between baby screams. It has a nice sour flavor. I'd say the pumpkin just adds an earthiness to the dough but I'm not sure anyone would really pick up on a distinct pumpkin flavor.
I'm not sure I'd go for pumpkin in my bread. But that looks too good! How about sharing the recipe and I'll give it a try over the next week!
Looks great!!
I have a 3 week old baby so I don't really have a precise recipe I just kind of went by feel and didn't document it exactly, but this is pretty much the recipe:
40% KABF
20% rye
20% spelt
20% whole wheat
2% salt
20% levain (I did a 8 hour 1:5:5 build)
43% pumpkin (this equalled one can of pureed pumpkin for 1000g flour)
60% water (this is more approximate as I started with 50%, but then kept on adding more based on feel and didn't measure)
2% honey (again, approximate as I didn't measure)
seeds/walnuts (again, didn't measure)
- I did a 2.5 hour autolyse of the flours with water and pumpkin
- 4 minuted of slap and fold to incorporate levain into autolyse followed by 30 minute rest
- 4 minutes of slap and fold to add salt and honey followed by 30 min rest
- At approximately 30 minute intervals I then did coil fold, lamination to add seeds/nuts, coil fold, and then a final coil fold
- Bulk went for a total of about 4 hours and then I shaped and put into the fridge for 7 hours
- Baked in DO at 485 for 23 minutes with lid and then for 24 minutes at 475 without lid
Hope this helps!
Wow.. The fact you're juggling a new born and still finding time to make great bread is a great trick! Makes the loaf all the more impressive!! Thanks for the recipe!
Very nice bake. They look delicious.