Help! (Off Topic) Looking fore a simple Feed Reader

This has nothing to do with baking bread but I've been a member of this group for a long time so I'm hoping someone here can help me out. Floyd, feel free to delete this if it's too far off base for this blog...

I have always read The Fresh Loaf Blog with my Bloglines reader. Bloglines, for some reason, no longer captures The Fresh Loaf comments for me (among several other blogs it no longer seems to pick up). I'm looking for a different feed reader - one that will be very simple, easy to use and allow me to save posts for later review. I've tried Snarfer and it's ok but it won't let you save stuff to go back and look at later. Any ideas for me out there? You can reply to this post or email me at trishinomaha(at)gmail(dot)com.

Thanks for the assist!

Trish In Omaha

Interesting you say that, Bloglines has done that for a whole tranch of my blogs, I thought it was just me...:(



Google Reader is excellent, although I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for here; I'm not sure, for instance, if it captures Comments automatically.  I don't get Comments, just posts; let me see if I can change settings to pick up comments.

You can definitely click off stuff to save, though, for later reading.

I guess I need to give it more time and get used to that format. Old habits are hard to change but I'll give the Google Reader another try...

Thanks for the input - you guys are great!
