Free or discounted Kindle bread ebooks, #2.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

There are still some active sales mentioned below, but otherwise this thread/post is "closed" and the next post is at:

The 1st post in the series is at:

I intend this post and comments to give Fresh Loafers a heads-up when bread-baking or pizza Kindle ebooks go on sale at Amazon for either heavily discounted prices, up to usually $4.99, or free.

I'll start off with five books that are always (at least have been for a while) free. Three are public domain.

 As new books go on sale  I will (or you can) add them to the comments.  I mostly get these notifications from a service at  The sales usually last from 1 day to a week, so act quickly.  Most often the sales run Monday through Sunday. The "tag" with "frog" in it, is so the webmaster can make a few pennies in commission, like his sidebar links.

All the major bread authors have sales, Robertson, Reinhart, Forkish, etc. 

For a longer list of what I've already picked up, and how much I paid, and a very very short review, see my post at:

For lists of ebooks by author, see:


Free: The New Dr. Price Cookbook, Kindle Edition, by New York Royal Baking Powder Company.

Public domain. The bread and rolls in this book are all leavened with baking powder. No yeast, no sourdough. Dated. Almost all volumetric measurements. Inexact oven temps, such as "medium oven" or "hot oven."  


Free: Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads, Kindle Edition, by Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences.

Also dated, but interesting. Hey, it's free.


Free: Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book, Kindle edition.

This book is in the public domain. Copyright 1920.  Has a chapter on breads. Measurements in cups. Oven temps are inexact. Good for some historical or traditional recipes, if nothing else. 


Free: How to Bake: The Art and Science of Baking, Kindle Edition, by Dennis Weaver.

Modern. A very comprehensive baking book with yeasted dough and baking powder. A little bit on sourdough.  Explains the uses of oil, egg, milk in baking.  He kind of uses it as an advertisement for his company, but still informative.  Great for beginners.  


Free: "Grandma's Best Quick Breads" by Marg Ruttan.

Only 47 pages. It has been a while since I downloaded it, so I forget my opinion of it. But I did not file it in the "junk" collection. Therefore, I thought it was at least worth the time to download it.


To see Amazon's current free and low-price ebook "bread cookbooks", use this link:

For pizza:

To see the current top 100 free Kindle ebooks:

(Warning: most books on the free Kindle list are trashy, but there is an occasional cookbook.)

Sale over, Nov. 6, 2020.

As of Nov 2, 2020. As of Oct 7, 2020.  As of Oct 18.

$2.99 for the Kindle ebook edition of "American Sfoglino: A Master Class in Handmade Pasta", by Evan Funke, and Katie Parla.



It's more about how to make pasta than how to cook pasta, but has both.

Highly rated. 83% 5-star. 8% 4-star.

A bit controversial. Read the reviews first.  

When they say "hand made," they really mean it -- not a hand-cranked pasta-rolling machine -- but using a specially made very long rolling pin, more like a long pole.

274 print pages.

I have not read it.

Sale over, Nov. 6, 2020.

Sale over, Oct 9, 2020.

As of Oct 8, 2020.

$1.99 US for the Kindle ebook edition of "Crust and Crumb" by Peter Reinhart.

This is one of Reinhart's earlier masterpieces, a James Beard award winner. 

Originally published in 1998. Mostly uses commercial yeast, and commercially yeasted preferments,  but does have a sourdough section.

If you are a fan of Reinhart, this book belongs in your library.

At only $1.99, get this ebook! Even if just as a back-up for your print copy.

Sale over, Oct 9, 2020.

Sale over as of Oct 19, 2020. 

As of Oct 12, 2020.

Kindle ebook edition of  Poilâne: The Secrets of the World-Famous Bread Bakery.


I have this ebook.  The story is moving.  The photography is gorgeous and highly professional.

The ratings are: 4.5 out of 5.  

77% 5-star, and 10% 4-star.

The book's formula for the famous Poilane miche is based on a poolish/starter made with yoghurt, and then commercial yeast is used in the final mix.   Some reviewers felt cheated, but others felt it was a legitimate approximation for those who don't want to create and maintain a true sourdough starter.

There are also formulas for rye and barley breads, other baked goods, and non-oven dishes. There is a lot more than just bread.

Personally, I would not pay full list price for the hardcover. But for $4, this is a super deal to have a piece of the Poilâne story, the photos, and recipes for French cuisine.

I will likely get a hardcover edition when the used prices come down.


TFL discussions on the book here:

and here:


Here's JerrytheK's bake of the famous miche:



Sale over, Oct. 19, 2020.

Sale over, Oct 22, 2020.  

As of Oct 17, 2020.

Kindle ebook edition of  Dutch Oven Breads, by Mark Hansen. 



Jump on it quickly, as the deal/discount won't last.

These are for campfire cooking with wood coals or charcoal, not a home oven. Includes no-knead, and sourdough.

I have downloaded it. It's formatted correctly and has decent spelling/grammar. The author writes like a native English-speaker.

If you want to bake bread, pizza, or rolls on a campfire, this is a worthwhile download. It does assume some familiarity with camp-style dutch ovens, and campfire cooking.

I'm not sure how much I'd pay for it, when It's not free. But for free, it's worthwhile to get. 

 Sale over, Oct 22, 2020. 

Sale over, Dec 7, 2020. Price back to $6.99.

As of Nov. 14, 2020. As of Nov 23, 2020.

The Sourdough School, by Vanessa Kimbell, US $ .99 in Kindle format.

I think this is a GREAT deal for a book of this high quality. Detailed, informative, lots of good photos. Focuses on the details of starters as well as the bread formulas.

This $.99 price only comes around once a year.



Sorry, it's not on sale in Canada or UK.

For $.99, you can't go wrong.  Even if you have the hardcover edition, it's worth $.99 for an electronic back-up.

Sale over, Dec 7, 2020. Price back to $6.99.

Josey Baker book is on for 92% off for Kindle at Amazon. Sorry don’t have the link since it was an email notice. (And I’m in the middle of making dough and I don’t feel like looking it up) ?

Sale over, Mar. 8, 2021.

Back on sale, as of Feb. 1, 2021.

Josey Baker Bread, by Josey Baker, Kindle ebook edition, is on sale for 2•99.

I purchased it.  Of particular inferest to me:  It has 4 whole wheat formulas, 1 whole Kamut formula, 1 whole spelt formula, and 1 whole rye formula.

It has a really good looking gluten-free seeds and rolled oats loaf. 

I like the pizza method: start in a cast iron pan on the stove top and finish under the oven's broiler element.

Blurb says it's for beginners.



Not on sale in UK or EU.

Highly rated.  4.6 out of 5, with 252 ratings.

Well worth the sale price!

Sale over, Mar. 8, 2021.

Sale over, Nov 9, 2020. Price now 12.99.

As of Nov 3, 2020.

Kindle ebook edition of  In Search of the Perfect Loaf: A Home Baker's Odyssey, by Samuel Fromartz.

Highly rated. 4.5/5, with 110 ratings. See the Amazon page for professional reviews, and the introduction. The American author goes to work in a Parisian bakery.

My review: Has 9 formulas. The formulas do not have instructional or in-process photos. So, this is not a great book for beginning bread bakers.

Photos are all black-and-white.

The book _is_ educational / informative with a lot of tech explanations on the intricacies of flour and wheat.  So, I'd say it's for someone who already has the basics of sourdough bread baking. 

I do recommend the book, at the sale price, but not for your first or only book on bread.

Really good info and stories about baguettes. TFL's baguette brigade should get this next time the price drops to $1.99.

Sale over, Nov 9, 2020.

Nov 12, 2020.

Free Kindle ebook of: A Guide to Northeast Grains.

"In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Masters Degree of Science in Sustainable Food Systems at Green Mountain College." Kristina Razon, 13 January 2017.

Deals with ancient and heirloom grains in New England (US). Lists farmers, millers, and bakeries.  Worth the time to download just for those sources.

Sale over, Nov. 17, 2020.

As of Nov. 16, 2020.  

"Breaking Bread" by Martin Philip, of KAF, is only $2.99 in Kindle ebook format.  Normally $9.99 Kindle.



Not on sale in UK or EU.

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars.   Includes some rye and whole grain formulas.

The author is the current head baker at King Arthur, and was the protoge of Jeffrey Hamelman.  

The author has occasionally commented on TFL.

Sale over, Nov. 17, 2020.

Sale over, Jan. 10, 2021.

Only US $4.99 for the revised edition, ebook (Kindle) of Carol Field's "The Italian Baker."




Sorry, not on sale in Canada.

Includes bread, pizza, focacce, cakes, pastries, cookies. Includes recipes for biga, whole wheat, durum, semolina, Pugliese, and more.

Sale over, Jan. 10, 2021.

Sale over, April 8, 2021.

As of April 1, 2021.  No foolin'!

$2.99 for the Kindle ebook edition of The Sullivan Street Bakery Cookbook, by Jim Lahey.

Not on sale in Canada, UK, or EU.

240 print pages. Rated 4.7 out of 5.  82% 5-star. 9% 4-star.

Has how to make liquid starter and biga. Has formulas for sourdough, 13 white and whole wheat breads, 2 pizza doughs (1 with sourdough biga, 1 yeasted), 4 pizzas, breakfast things, slow-cooking/roasting, sandwiches, salads, and dolci/desserts.

Measurements are in grams and cups. Has plenty of in-process photos as well as finished product photos.

 I bought/downloaded it.  It's a super deal at $2.99 !

This ebook rarely goes on sale, so I suggest jumping on this opportunity.

Sale over, April 8, 2021.

Sale over, Feb. 1, 2021.

Back on sale. As of Jan. 25, 2021.

The Kindle ebook of Tartine (Revised, 2019 edition), by Elizabeth Prueitt (Mrs. Chad Robertson), is on sale for 2•99:


Also on sale in Canada, U.K., and EU.

Rated 4.8 stars out of 5.  --- 84% 5-star, 9% 4-star.

This is not the bread book. It is the one on desserts, pies, cakes, etc.

I have not purchased this. 

Sale over, Feb. 1, 2021.

Profile picture for user idaveindy


Profile picture for user idaveindy


Profile picture for user idaveindy


Sale over, Dec. 14, 2020. 

As of Dec. 11, 2020.

For a limited time, in Kindle ebook format, $3.99, Tartine Bread, by Chad Robertson.

I was so impressed, I also bought the hard copy. This and the other Robertson book have the best photography.

US $3.99 is a great price for an ebook of this quality.

Robertson's method takes a bit more study than, say, Peter Reinhart's teaching methods, but the effort is worth it.

I realize cookbooks in ebook format are not as handy as a physical book, for all the flipping back and forth you need to do when cooking. But if you're not yet sold on buying a hard-copy of this book, this is an inexpensive way to see if you want to add the physical book to your library.

Sale over, Dec. 14, 2020.

Profile picture for user idaveindy


Sale over, Jan 31, 2021.

As of Jan. 11, 2021.

4•99 for the Kindle ebook edition of In Search of the Perfect Loaf: A Home Baker's Odyssey, by Samuel Fromartz.

Also on sale in UK, and EU. Not on sale in Canada.

US guy goes to France to learn to bake baguettes. Comes back and wins Best Baguette in Washington D.C.

Highly rated. 4.4/5, with 136 ratings.

My review: Has 9 formulas. The formulas do not have in-process photos. So, this is not a great book for beginning bread bakers. Photos are all black-and-white. The book is educational / informative with a lot of tech explanations on the intricacies of flour and wheat.

So, I'd say it's for someone who already has the basics of sourdough bread baking. I do recommend the book, at the sale price, but not for your first or only book on bread.

Really good info and stories about baguettes. TFL's baguette brigade should get this.

Sale over, Jan 31, 2021.

Free, the Kindle edition of Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book.

This book is in the public domain.

Has a chapter on breads. Measurements in cups. Oven temps are inexact.

Good for some historical or traditional recipes, if nothing else.



Numerous new recipes  based on present economic conditions


Mrs. Mary A. Wilson




Instructor of Cooking for the U.S. Navy.

Third printing, Philadephia and London.

J.B. Lippincott Company

Copyright, 1920, BY J.B. Lippincott Company

Printed by J.B. Lippincott Company at the Washington Square Press, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

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I had been musing about this book, and you are right. So far (about 30 min into my reading), it is definitely worth the $3 I just spent. ?

Sale over, June 10, 2021.

Back on sale, as of May 15,  2021.

Kindle ebook edition of "Baking with Steel: The Revolutionary New Approach to Perfect Pizza, Bread, and More" by Andris Lagsdin.




236 print pages.

306 megabyte download (ie, picture heavy.)

Ratings are: 4.6 out of 5.

198 ratings world-wide.

80% 5-star.  ---  12% 4-star.

This book goes into why and how to use a baking steel versus a baking stone.  It also contains recipes for several types of dough, sauces, and pizzas. 

I'd say the book is as much about pizza as it is about the pizza-baking steel.

It also has some simple recipes for naan, pita, biscuits and scones.

I have purchased it.  If you do not already have Tony Gemignani's (who is a big proponent of baking pizzas on steel) "Pizza Bible", then I would recommend this ebook at the sale price.

If you do already have Tony Gemignani's "Pizza Bible", you don't really need this. 


Sale over, June 10, 2021.


Still on sale, Mar. 3, 2022. 

Back on sale, May 15, 2021.

Kindle ebook edition of "Bread on the Table: Recipes for Making and Enjoying Europe's Most Beloved Breads" by David Norman.





Not discounted in Canada. It's  available in Canada, just not at a discounted price. Here's the link to check:

248 print pages. 

304,722 KB (image heavy).

Rated 4.6 out of 5.  234 ratings.  78% 5-star, 9% 4-star, 9% 3-star.

45 total reviews. Only 15 reviews from verified purchasers. Of those 15, 14 of those rated it 5-star, and one rated it 4-star.

The book gets a good mention in this TFL post and in a comment:

The book does not have baker's percentages.


Amazon's preview does not show the entire table of contents, so I hope they don't mind if I include the TOC here.  Following each bread recipe section are a few meal recipes using that bread.



  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Equipment
  • Ingredients
  • Tips for Successful Bread Making
  • Steps to Making Great Bread


---------- French ----------

  •  Pain de Campagne | French Country Bread
  • Pain aux Pruneaux et Noisettes | Bread with Prunes and Hazelnuts
  • Pain de Seigle | French Dark Rye Bread - 68% whole rye. 32% AP.
  • Pain de Mie | Pullman Bread
  • Levain Naturel | Building a Sourdough Starter 
  • Pain au Levain | French-Style Sourdough
  • Miche | Large Country Loaf with Stone-Ground Flour


  • La Charbonée de Boulanger
  • Vinaigrette
  • CroqueMonsieur
  • Oysters with Mignonette

 ---------- Scandinavian ----------

  • Fullkornsbröd | Whole Grain Rye Bread
  • Rye Sourdough Starter
  • Gotlandsbröd | Gotland’s Bread
  • Rugbrød | Danish Rye Bread
  • Knäckebröd | Swedish Crispbread
  • Vörtbröd | Swedish “Wort” Bread
  • Lefse | Norwegian Flatbreads, Olsen Family Style


  • Gravlax Julskinka | Christmas Ham
  • Christmas Kale, Halland Style
  • Cultured Butter

 ---------- German ----------

  • Landbrot | German Country Bread with 30 Percent Rye
  • Bauernbrot | German Farmer’s Bread with 70 Percent Rye
  • Leinsaatbrot | Whole Wheat Bread with Flaxseeds
  • Semmeln | White Breakfast Rolls
  • Pfennigmuckerln | Rye Pull-Apart Rolls
  • Easy Tiger Pretzels


  • Chef Drew’s Easy Tiger Beer Cheese
  • Wurstsalat | Biergarten Sausage Salad

 ---------- Italian ----------

  • Pane Toscano | Saltless Tuscan Bread
  • Ciabatta
  • Panini Press Bread


  • Cinghiale alla cacciatora
  • Crostini Toscani | Tuscan Chicken Liver Toasts
  • Panini | Italian Sandwiches

 ---------- Texan ----------

  • White Pan Bread
  • Smoked Flour Fougasse
  • Birotes Salados | Mexican Sourdough Rolls
  • Flour Tortillas


  • Torta Ahogada | Sandwich from Guadalajara
  • Migas
  • Breakfast Tacos


Sale over, May 10, 2021.

Back on sale, May 6, 2021.

Temporarily free:  


Blurb: "I have always wanted to build a wood fired oven to make bread and pizza, empanadas and dishes with that woodfired taste. In this book I show you how I built my backyard pizza oven from brick and cob, finished it with a layer of insulation and lime plaster and try it out with our first pizza party. I will take you step by step from the base, the concrete platform, fire brick cooking surface, brick and cob dome, smoke flue and doorway arch construction. If you have ever thought about making a wood fired oven of your own, take a look at how I built mine. Get some ideas and build a pizza oven in your own backyard. Get started today. Read my book and start to plan your own build. With a pizza oven in your backyard you will be able to come up with your own custom pizza, or loaves of bread."

Rated 3.7 out of 5, with 11 ratings, and 5 reviews.


 Sale over, May 10, 2021.

Sale over, Mar. 14, 2021.

As of Feb. 21, 2021.

4•99 for the Kindle ebook edition of "Bread Revolution" by Peter Reinhart.

Also discounted in UK and EU(.de), but not Canada.

It's mostly about using sprouted flour. Sprouted flour is flour made from sprouted grain.

I bought this because it has "whole grains" and "heirloom flours" in the subtitle, but it's almost all sprouted flour, which is expensive. So get this if you're into flour made from sprouted grain. If all you want is whole-grain, then his "Whole Grain Breads" would be better for you.

Sale over, Mar. 14, 2021.

Sale over, Feb. 28, 2021.

Free for a limited time:

It's not a professionally done book. No pictures. Measurements are mostly in cups.  It looks like a cut-and-paste job of publicly available recipes on the net.

But.... it is convenient to have all those recipes in one place.  

The recipes are not curated, so it will take experimentation to find recipes you like.

I like it for the crust and sauce recipes.

Sale over, Feb. 28, 2021.

Sale over, March 6, 2021.

As of Mar. 2, 2021.

1•99 for the Kindle ebook edition of "Saveur: The New Classics Cookbook."

Over 1,000 recipes.  1,544 pages. 

The hardback goes for $58 new on Amazon.

Rated 73% 5-star, and 21% 4-star.

Includes chapters on:

  • pizza;
  • yeast breads;
  • quick breads;
  • biscuits, scones, rolls & buns;
  • flatbreads (tortilla, pita, naan, chapati), crepes & crackers.

Measurements in cups. No photos. Some line-drawings to illustrate procedures.

Sale over, March 6, 2021.

Profile picture for user idaveindy


Sale over, Mar. 28, 2021.

As of Mar. 7, 2021.

4•99 US for the Kindle ebook edition of "Crust and Crumb" by Peter Reinhart.

This is one of Reinhart's earlier masterpieces, a James Beard award winner. 

Originally published in 1998. Mostly uses commercial yeast, and commercially yeasted preferments,  but does have a sourdough section.

Measurements are by weight in ounces, and cups.

Almost no photos, but does have line drawings to illustrate some procedures.

For the beginner, this book has been supplanted by "The Bread Baker's Apprentice." But Reinhart fans, and cookbook collectors will still want to own this.

It does go on sale for two or three dollars at least once a year (see previous comment above), if you want to wait. 

Sale over, Mar. 28, 2021.

Sale over, Mar. 8, 2021.

As of Jan. 31, 2021.

US 2•99 for the Kindle ebook edition of Tartine Book No. 3.

Also on sale in Canada, UK, and EU (

This is the one that is mostly whole grains and specialty - heirloom grains. Three bucks is a great price for an ebook of this quality.

Robertson's method takes a bit more study than, say, Peter Reinhart's teaching methods, but the effort is worth it.

The photography is superb. When I read this ebook, I knew I had to get the hard-copy.

I realize cookbooks in ebook format are not as handy as a physical book, for all the flipping back and forth you need to do when cooking. But if you're not yet sold on buying a hard-copy of this book, this is an inexpensive way to see if you want to add the physical book to your library.

Sale over, Mar. 8, 2021.

As of May 21, 2021. 

Free, for today only, the Kindle edition of: A Taste of India: The Complete Indian Cookbook: Master Indian Cooking with more than 1000 Recipes! (Asian Cookbook).

Includes the bread recipes, naan, etc.

This is the last one in the series, and contains all the recipes, rice, massalas, yogurts, chutneys, soups, the whole bit.

698 pages. No photos or illustrations. Measurements are in cups. 


To see which of the author's books are free, and all of the author's books, sorted by price:


Today, May 21, 2021, only. 

Profile picture for user idaveindy


Thanks for sharing!

The same author has a second book for free: “The Big Book of Indian Breads” :)

This author's series of books is mostly cumulative. The latter books include all the recipes from the earlier books.

Books 8, 9, and 10 all include the bread section from the bread book, so that's why I decided to focus on just those 3.

The author does not advertise that fact. I figured it out after downloading several.

Richard Bertinet's "Dough", $3.99 for Kindle edition:

"Dough" is out of print, and the third party sellers have jacked up the price, so get the Kindle edition for this good price.


And "Crust", $5.99 for Kindle:


Author page:

"Dough" and "Crust" are about majority white flour bread. I didn't see any formulas for over 50% whole grain. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks for contributing!

As an aside, it would be beneficial, when posting an URL, to delete (just backspace over) all the gobbledygook that comes after the 10 chaacter ASIN or product number.  Everything after B00JYWW486 should be taken out,  Like this:

(Note: sale over.)

Amazon and other "big tech" comapanies use that information not just for tracking, but they also make unfair assumptions and connections between the person who shared the link and the people who click on the link.

Thanks for the tip. I will follow your instruction if I happen upon another bargain.

Sale over, May 10, 2021.

As of April 25, 2021.

5•99 for the Kindle ebook edition of Perfect Pan Pizza, by Peter Reinhart.

Also on sale/discounted in UK, AU, and EU.

Not currently discounted in Canada.

I have this, and think it is worth it.

Rated 4.7 out of 5.  

79% 5-star.  14% 4-star.

Sale over, May 10, 2021.

Sale over, May 3, 2021.

As of April 26, 2021.

3•99 for the Kindle ebook edition of "The Baking Bible" by Rose Levy Beranbaum.

-- Rated 4.7 out of 5.

-- 81% 5-star. 11% 4-star.

-- 1019 pages.

-- File size 57,339 KB.

This is a classic!  This is not her "Bread Bible", but it has some breads.


- Cakes. 

- Pies, Tarts, Pastries. 

- Cookies, Candy. 

- Breads, Yeast Pastries. 


Sale over, May 3, 2021.

Sale over, July 5, 2021.

As of April 26, 2021.

Kindle ebook of: The Bread Bible, by Beth Hensperger.  Normally 9•99.


Rated 4.5 out of 5.

-- 72% 5-star, 15% 4-star.

-- 300 recipes.

-- 774 Kindle-pages.

-- 2287 KB file size.

It's very comprehensive as far as types of bread, but light on sourdough. No photos or illustrations, measurements in cups, but still very worth it.

Sale over, July 5, 2021.

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In reply to by idaveindy

It's a little bit weird, since he calls for bitter Brewer's yeast for his recipes and it's dangerous, it is not edited nor fact checked.

For example, in the very first recipe for the classic pizza dough he asks for TWO tbsp of salt for 500g of flour. It's a monstrous amount of salt - 64g of salt per 1000g flour! Even two tsp would be too much. 

I was compiling my list of caveats, and finally realized they all added up to "junk book."  So I deleted the referral just as you were composing your response.

Too many typos,  bad grammar, poor translations, inconsistent measurements (some grams/ml some cups/tsp.)  No photos except for some stock photos.

The author, and maybe friends, are busy-beavers with 95 phony 5-star ratings (60% of 159). 

And for some reason, Amazon still advertises it as "Great on Kindle."

There was a time when brewer's yeast was the same as baker's yeast. So maybe the author cribbed some very old recipes, or it is an artifact of translation. 

Some of the "junk cookbooks" have hilarious search/replace terms, which are probably the authors'  lame attempt to cover up the fact they just copied/pasted the recipes from elsewhere. Example: one book had "3 glasses flour" !


In reply to by idaveindy

Occasionally, we all stumble upon a book like that.

Still, I appreciate what you are doing. I got Peter Reinhart's Perfect Pan Pizza book after you wrote about it on this forum. Thank you! It's an amazing book, as great as his first book on pizza which I use every time I bake any pizza. 

I checked with our Italian expert, mwilson.

In Italy, baker's yeast is reffered to as "lievito di birra". see:

A literal translation would be "brewer's yeast". But in North America, that term has been hijacked to be used for deactivated yeast intended as a supplement.  And it should be noted that such "brewer's yeast" is not the same as "nutritional yeast."

The book has 27 recipes using "brewer's yeast" (some fresh, some dry), and 10 recipes using "active dry yeast." So the author wasn't consistent.

Even in North America, bakers used to use the same yeast as beer brewers. But the name "brewer's yeast" has taken on a new meaning. See:

In North America, yeast for brewing beer is  apparently now known as "brewING yeast" or "beer yeast."


It is clear that he refers to S.cerevisiae, which was both 'beer yeast' and baker's yeast. In the past. 

Cerevisiae comes from Latin and means "of beer".

And it is clear that in North America such yeast is either sold in beer making supply stores, specific strains for winemaking and beermaking, or as a nutritional supplement, deactivated.

For baking, in English, we would say baker's yeast in any country where bakers speak and read English. And those would be specific strains selected for baking. 

It's OK, it is clear that he refers to baker's yeast strains sold for baking, not for beer or wine making. And this person probably doesn't distinguish between S.cerevisiae strains sold as compressed yeast, various instant (instant for pizza, osmotolerant instant, etc.), or active dry yeast.

This book is valuable, since it is written by a chef, these are written notes on baking and cooking that come from experience, they capture certain traditions and should be encouraged, but it either has unedited typos as in Tbsp instead of tsp of salt, or lack of specific information.

For example, he uses very lightweight Kosher salt or even more lightweight flaked sea salt instead or heavyweight table salt, etc. and then Tbsp of salt are justified, because one Tbsp of Morton sea salt flakes weighs 6-7 g indeed, the same as 1 tsp of fine Italian table salt. 

I've seen too many of this kind of cookbook. My opinion is that these formulas are copy/pasted from elsewhere on the net, and auto-translated as needed. Some are double-translated (ie, english to something-else, and back to English) so as to hide their origin.

Most of the free ebook cookbooks are like this. They are temporarily free so that their friends and fake-accounts can download it, thereby qualifying as "verified purchaser" and write glowing, and fake, 5-star reviews. Then it's back to regular price, and people buy them.

Sale over, May 16, 2021.

As of May 15, 2021.

Free for today only,  the Kindle ebook edition of:

The Big Book of Indian Breads: Master Indian Griddle Breads, Deep Fried Breads, Tandoori Breads, Crepes, Pancakes, and Much More! (Indian Cookbook 7)

The print edition is 511 pages.  The title is a bit misleading. In addition to flatbreads, it covers spices, nuts, seeds, curries, masalas, chutneys, pastes, soups, salads, kebabs, samosas and more.

Has sections on: parantha, poori, roti, chapati, naan, and dosa.

Includes recipes that use all purpose flour, semolina, whole grain durum flour, millet flour, and sorghum flour.

It's also a textbook with explanations of ingredients and how-to's.  

As a free ebook, it looks like a cheap way to learn about Indian cooking.

Measurements are volumetic, cups etc.  No photos, no illustrations.

Get it quickly, the zero price won't last long.

There seems to be a lot of overlap between the author's other books.


Sale over, May 16, 2021. 

Sale over, May 24, 2021.

As of May 17, 2021.

A rare sale: Kindle ebook of Ken Forkish's Elements of Pizza.





I have this, and highly recommend it. In it, he says to disregard everything he said about pizza in FWSY.

The only pizza book better than this is Tony Gemignani's "Pizza Bible." But for this ridiculously low price, it's worth it to have this one too.


Sale over, May 24, 2021.

Sale over, May 21, 2021, in US and CA. But AU, UK, and EU discount continues.

As of May 19, 2021.

Kindle ebook of Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast, by Ken Forkish.






A classic that is popular among TFL users.

I have both the print edition and the Kindle edition. I recommend it.


Sale over, May 21, 2021, in US and CA.  But AU, UK, and EU discount continues.

Sale over, June 23, 2021.

The Kindle ebook of Tartine (Revised, 2019 edition), by Elizabeth Prueitt (Mrs. Chad Robertson), is on sale.


Rated 4.7 stars out of 5.  --- 84% 5-star, 10% 4-star.

This is not the bread book. It is the one on desserts, pies, cakes, etc.

I have not purchased this. 

Sale over, June 23, 2021.

Sale over, Aug. 4, 2021.

As of June 28, 2021. 

Kindle ebook edition of "Bianco: Pizza, Pasta, and Other Food I Like" by Chris Bianco.

Also on sale in Canada.  

Not on sale in UK, EU nor AU.

222 pages in the print edition. 

This is a tremendous deal.

I have purchased this at a previous Kindle sale price. I'm a cheap-skate, so I would not have paid full price for the Kindle or the hardcopy.

But at this low price for the Kindle, I think it is a great deal.

One pizza crust dough formula, and many varistions on toppings, plus many Italian recipes besides pizza.  Pizza and focaccia is just one section. Italian main dishes and sides make up the rest.

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars. 5-star 79%. 4-star 7%. 3-star 5%. 2-star 4%. 1-star 5%.

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: 

#45 in Pizza Making

#59 in Salad Cooking (Kindle Store)

#106 Pizza Baking.

It's picture-heavy, so it takes a long time to download.

According to the Table of Contents, and some of the reviews, it seems more of an Italian cookbook, than a pizza cookbook.

This is a rare sale. It's been a year since it was last discounted.

For two bucks you can't go wrong. 

Sale over, Aug 4, 2021.