My DIY bannettons and bread they make


There is no Amazon where I live, and overseas delivery is virtually impossible during these lockdowns. And like many, I learned the sourdough baking in quarantine. So I made my own toolset and bannettons. Just showing off


Great bannetons, Uzbek, well done!

In order to ensure non-sticking cloth feature, try either white rye flour, if available in your area, or pure starch, potato starch or cornstarch, doesn't matter. Rub it into the cloth and/or into the surface of the loaves that you place inside.

The stickiness is due to wetting of the proteins, they are gluey and sticky. Starch doesn't stick no matter how wet the surface of your loaves is. And it will make your loaves more glossy if you bake bread with steam later on. 


I love the idea and your creativity! I've got my bannetons from a year ago, still in a great shape. Uzbek, your bread is amazing! Have you used a rye flour or rice flour for it?

It took almost a year of experimenting to get hang of whole wheat flour, steam and ear! Super happy