Detroit style pizza

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Hello, I just watched a really great video on making "Detroit" style no-knead pan pizza by Ethan Chlebowski. You can find it on youtube.

It's like a deep-dish pan pizza made from a wet/airy no-knead sourdough with a bit of olive oil.

I wondered if anyone else would agree that this is the signature style of Detroit's pizza and also how it compares/differs from a Chicago style pizza, which is what I am more familiar with (they have a pizza joint up here in Canada that claims to offer a Chicago style that I liked.)


I have not made this particular recipe.  However, Peter Reinhart  (who is a long time bread and pizza author and educator) has a book titled "Perfect Pan Pizza".  This book includes recipes and background information for Detroit, Roman and similar styles.  Chicago style is not included and is quite different in my opinion. I've made Detroit style pizza from Reinhart a number of times and would recommend his book.  Btw, he has another book, "American Pie", which explores other pizza styles, eg, New York, which I'd also recommend.

This is the recipe that seems closest to what I remember from Buddy's Pizza.

I know that Brick cheese is used.  And some people put the sauce on top like 2 or 3 racing stripes. Some bake it with sauce too before serving.  That caramelized cheese on the edge of the crust is the gold!


Detroit Style Pizza