AP Flour in Rye Breads


I’ve noticed several rye & wheat mixed sourdough bread recipes (on this forum & in “The Rye Baker”) specify AP flour.
I would have thought a stronger wheat flour would always be recommended to compensate for the “weaker” rye.

Any idea why AP?

It might (notice I'm not sure myself) Using AP wheat flour with rye might have to do with the amount of kneading needed to develop the gluten in higher gluten flours.  Rye dough doesn't like to be kneaded and developed like wheat gluten.  The dough can be over kneaded as the % of rye in the dough increases.  Take note of the rye amount in the dough and when the wheat flour is added or visa-versa.

The amount of protein in AP flour can vary widely, here in Canada our AP is typically 13.3% which is the same as bread flour.

I am baking a 70/30 % rye/wheat bread .i am using bread flour but do not knead only mix by hand. 