Russian Black Bread

BRussian Black Bread: Russian Black Bread

Russian Black Bread: Russian Black Bread

NOT!!!!  Looks pretty good, though I know technically this wouldn't cut the mustard! But if you need a respectable loaf in a pinch, this will do. This was originally a bread machine recipe that I played with. I would have used my starter, but I hadn't refreshed it since last weekend. It's about 2/3 bread flour and 1/3 rye. The flavor and color come from some cidar vinegar, coffee, molasses and dutch processed cocoa powder with caraway and fennel seeds for an extra punch.

Here's a shot of the crumb :

Black Bread Crumb

Black Bread Crumb

Nice crispy crust, the crumb is pleasantly tender and the flavor is awesome, if I say so myself. The chocolate gives it an interesting finish on the palate.


I'd eat it.  And I'd bake it, too, if my dutch oven didn't have a mac & cheese casserole in it at the moment. :)

Betty that looks great! I've looked at that bread a few times but haven't given it a try. Was it as dark inside? I've been under the impression that you need a coloring to get the real black. How does it taste? you have me thinking. Thanks for the post Betty, you do good work!


Profile picture for user Mini Oven

Do we get a crumb shot?   Sorry, don't understand the NOT!!!   It looks GREAT!  Hubby says it looks like bread back home!

Mini O

P.S.  Please send all unloved rye loaves to " The blond lady" Pine Hill Apartments (GPS says Pain Hil)  Ansan, S Korea.  If you do that, not only can I meet my rye needs but open a bakery!  Rye should look rustic!  Loaves should contain at least 33% rye.  Thanks in advance. :9   -mini

10 years ago I hosted a Ukrainian girl for a year.  It was a great year but that story is for another time.  In my attempt to provide her with a bread that would be familiar to her  I found a recipe and baked "Russian Black Bread" for her and even made "Borscht".  She informed me that the "American" bread that I had been making was far better than any "Black Bread" she had ever eaten. And if I wouldn't mind, please not try to make "Borscht" again.


Redundancy is your friend, so is redundancy

I've always been utterly bewildered by the foods that we call Russian (black bread, dressing, cocktails) and which never existed there.


generous compliments. This really is a a nice change from the norm. I could fancy this with some liverwurst, red onion, garden tomato and lettuce. Now if only I could find some liverwurst!


That looks really tasty. I could throw some cream cheese and lox on there and eat all night!!

Great work!


Wow, this is a very good looking loaf.  My husband probably will drool all over the computer.  LOL